UML diagram design assignment

Are you a database administrator whose expertise transcends routine maintenance, with hands-on experience in high availability, disaster recovery, performance tuning, and point-in-time recovery? Do Skyvera is looking for a professional who sees databases not as mere storage solutions but as keystones of technological advancement.

Skyvera has a clear mission: maintaining the delicate balance between managing legacy telco software and preparing them for the industry’s inevitable shift to the cloud. As an expert in Oracle Database, you will lead significant database projects to optimize performance and security, ensuring our systems are at the forefront of technological advancement.

Your responsibilities will extend beyond typical database admini…
Looking for Expert in Class Diagrams, Business Rules System-integrated Use Case Diagram Class Diagrams Object Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Communication Diagrams, State-Chart Diagrams
I am looking for an expert in Class Diagrams, Business Rules System-integrated Use Case Diagram Class Diagrams, Object Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Communication Diagrams, and State-Chart Diagrams who can assist me with creating 1-3 diagrams for a specific scenario/system.

Skills and Experience:
– Proficiency in Class Diagrams, Business Rules System-integrated Use Case Diagrams, Object Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Communication Diagrams, and State-Chart Diagrams
– Experience in creating diagrams for specific scenarios/systems
– Strong understanding of software development and system design principles
– Attention to detail and ability to accurately represent relationships and dependencies in diagrams.

I am looking for an expert in Object-Oriented System Analysis and design.
Assessment Title & Description:
Creating a Project Management Plan Based on a case study of your choice, identify and produce a project management plan for a technical/software project that you, as a team, select. The project should be at initiation stage and be implementing change, the project will be adding new services or product. You must be able to establish specific project objectives. The project must have a requirement for different project resources, including people. It is important to balance the selection of a project with sufficient complexity and size to clearly demonstrate the team’s understanding of and ability to apply the project management concepts, models, tools, and techniques that you have studied on this course. The project chosen can …
It must not exceed 12 pages long. It needs to provide a research of the best platforms to use for this particular project. Which cloud provider is best to handle every aspect of the process. AWS, Azure, google? How many servers should be span up. What type of Load balancer is best to use. What type of database is supposed to be used. How much each one will cost and their subscription models. How many hours of development time will it require. What type of software developer skills is needed to accomplish this. Provide software requirements documents, Visio diagrams of how software should work. You will include the software requirements specifications and design specifications