UML Use Case Diagram for Specific Project

Project Title: UML Use Case Diagram for Specific Project

I am in need of a freelancer who can create a UML Use Case Diagram for a specific project.

Skills and Experience Required:
– Proficiency in UML diagrams, specifically Use Case Diagrams
– Experience in using Astah software
– Strong understanding of software development and project requirements

Project Requirements:
– Develop a UML Use Case Diagram for a specific project or system
– The specific project or system details will be provided by the client
– The Use Case Diagram should accurately represent the functionalities and interactions of the system

– The project must be completed today

If you have the necessary skills and expertise in UML diagrams and Astah software, and can complete the project by today, please submit your proposal.
I need a total of 4 diagrams, use case , class diagram , Sequence diagram and State Machine diagram. using only Astah
1. the deliverables (both must be submitted):
• A .sql file (or text file) with all of your SQL commands.
• A word file (.docx file) with a MySQL workbench screenshot for each task. This includes your code and the result. You must organize them in the order of the tasks below and include the task number for each.
2. If necessary, modify your primary table’s structure so the Author/Director’s name is separated into two columns (fields) First Name and Last Name.
3. Write a query:
• to display all titles with a release date prior to the year 2010 from your primary table; list the following three columns (fields) Title, Author/Director, and Year.
• to display the total length (in pages/minutes) of all titles in your primary table; then display the average length (in m…