The Fasure Company business conference

You have examined the need for both an internal evaluation and an external evaluation of an event to ensure that the client receives feedback and the event planner can improve events going forward. Read the scenario, address the checklist items, and then respond according to the submission requirements for this assignment.

Scenario: The Fasure Company had a major business conference to reinvent themselves in the face of fierce competition and try to get some ideas for new products and new ways of approaching their business in the home-building products sector. The company wanted to incorporate sustainable practices in the 4-day conference as well. It took 9 months for the contracted event planner to plan the event. There were 200 invitees, consisting of executives, engineers, and supervisors, with three famous speakers on the agenda, and a budget of $800,000. The conference was held in August.

Access what the conference included.

Access the participant feedback from the conference evaluations.


The Fasure Company had set aside $800,000 for the conference, not including airfares, incidentals, and reimbursed meals. The final costs came to a total of $740,000 before paying a salary of $35,000 for an assistant event planner or any profit for the planner.


  • Complete an evaluation of this event for (1) the event planner’s benefit (1 page of 250 words) and (2) the client’s benefit (1 page of 250 words).

Specify the following in each evaluation:

  • Include an overview of the event, the goals, the intended audience, the event schedule, and budget for the overall event.
  • Summarize the type of assessment instrument used per your textbook and the results of the feedback as well as other pertinent criteria, and provide your overall evaluation.
  • Then explain whether the event was on the whole successful or not and what recommendations you have to improve this event in the future. Be specific.

Submission Requirements:

Your response should consist of 2 pages minimum; a 1-page evaluation for internal purposes (i.e., the event planner’s evaluation) and a 1-page evaluation for the external organization or client.

Make sure that your evaluations are logical, based on the analysis of the provided results, and constitute a comprehensive depiction of the results. Use correct Standard English spelling and grammar.

Ensure that each evaluation has an opening paragraph and a closing paragraph, and that each paragraph is a minimum of 3 sentences.

Additionally, make sure that your evaluation response:

-Is written in Standard English with correct grammar, style, and mechanics.

-Has a purpose clearly stated in your introduction statement.

-Demonstrates logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to another.

-Your evaluation should be highly organized, logical, and focused.

-Include additional title and reference pages in APA format and citation style