tasks : Vaccine roll out system assignment

Task 1

As the assistant manager of the hotel, you have been tasked with managing this project, due to the fact that your CV stated that you had taken a module as part of your degree, on Hotel Project Management.
You now need to set up a name for your ‘Project team’ and you will be the Project Manager. Please fill in the form before and email to me
1.1 You have put together a ‘project team’, which will be tasked with producing a list of questions that you would like to ask the owner. This list should be clear and concise, and include any questions that you feel need answering, or comments that you would like to make.

task 2

I have a software development project and need the documentation to be written. Following IEEE standards or any other popular standards need to be followed while writing the documents. The documents required are SRS, FRS, System Architecture, SDD, Test Cases & Results, User Manuals, Operational Manuals, Security Policy, Installation Man. Software Documentation like SRS, FRS, Design Document etc?

Software Documentation like SRS, FRS, Design Document etc?

task 3

I have to develop a Web Portal for a Municipal Authority / Development Authority.
In my case I will give the full requirements of the portal to be developed and I need the Documentation like, ,,,

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) documentation, Software Design Specification (SDS) documentation with UML, ERD, Use Case, Sequence, Flow, etc. diagrams, screen mock-ups and working prototype (front-end) for iOS/Android native apps & full back end including administration, storage, api’s, security, data protection, etc.
these document may go from 50 to 500 also.
You know the software documentation right
The documents required are SRS, FRS, System Architecture, SDD, Test Cases & Results, User Manuals, Operational Manuals, Security Policy, Installation Manual etc.
like SRS first after that few weeks gap for the enduser to approve
then FRS and few weeks gap
then SDD then few months gap for the development to take place then
after that other documents

so it not one time kinda

Stakeholders and Requirements: Stakeholders
Stakeholders and Requirements: Functional requirements
Stakeholders and Requirements: FURPS+ Non-functional requirements
Use case modelling: user goal technique – brief descriptions
Use case modelling: user goal technique – Use case diagram
Use case modelling – event decomposition technique
Domain modelling – UML domain model class diagram
Presentation including layout, formatting, grammar and spelling check
The Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison has announced that covid19 vaccinations will begin in early March 2021 and completed by 31st October 2021.
2. Imagineyouaretheprojectmanager,youaretocreateaprojectplan based on current information that is feasible and covers real-life situations
3. Also,youaredoingariskanalysis.ConstructatablewithatleastSIX (6) significant risks. Use the column headings as follows:
a. (Business/Clinical etc) Function(s) b. Risk Issue (s)
c. Consequence(s)
d. Likelihood(s)
e. Risk Treatment(s)

Can you answer this in 1000 words?
I think 500 words also enough for this answer
You need to answer 2 question onlyone
One is to create risk matrix
And other is project plan

For vaccines rollout