Week 5 Final

Significant Contributions to Public Health Final Assignment Part 2

[WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Prior to working on this assignment, review your work on Part 1 of the Final Assignment from Week 3, and integrate any instructor feedback you received. Review the grading rubric for this assignment to fully understand the grading criteria. Additionally, these resources from Week 3 remain helpful:

This is a continuation of your Final Assignment. In Week 3, you worked on Significant Contributions to Public Health Final Assignment Part 1. For this part of the assignment, you will add 17 to 20 PowerPoint slides with detailed speaker’s notes of at least 100 words for each slide to your Week 3 assignment for a total of 30 to 35 slides, not including the title and reference slides. Please see the HCA415 PowerPoint Instructions downloaddocument for expanded information on expected detail in your presentation. Do NOT record the speaker’s notes as the file size will be too large to submit. These should be written and placed in the Notes section below each slide.

This week, Part 2 involves an analysis of how your individual’s contribution from the past continues to contribute to today’s public health system, and how it might guide future work within the industry. As you recall, in Week 3, you researched an individual and their contribution to community and public health.

Your Week 3 assignment should have included each of the following elements:

  • Describe your selected person’s experience.
  • Analyze the climate of the time period in terms of political, socioeconomic, environmental, and technological context in which this person worked.
  • Examine the personal beliefs of your person that prompted this work.
  • Examine how this individual overcame any adversities to succeed.
  • Describe the final outcome of this individual’s contribution to community or public health.
  • Explain what this person’s contribution did for overall community or public health at the time.
  • Explain why this contribution was so important at that particular point in history.

After integrating the instructor feedback from Week 3, continue adding slides to the previous work to address the Part 2 directions below. As a note, your reference slide(s) belong at the end of the presentation. As you create the content, it is expected that you will formulate a well thought out analysis for each segment with logical transitions as you would a professional presentation. Research and critical thinking are large components of this project. You will curate resources to support your statements using proper APA Style (Links to an external site.).  

This week you will be adding the second half to your project by completing the following steps:

  • Integrate Significant Contributions to Public Health Final Assignment Part 1 from Week 3, including any revisions based on feedback you received.
  • Examine the individual’s contribution to community or public health.
  • Analyze the impact of your individual’s contribution on today’s public health system.
    • TIP: You are asking, “What h