What are the basic requirements of the FARE?

What are the basic requirements of the FARE? • Length: 7 pages, not including the Reference list • Double-spaced, 1” margins, 12-point font (Times New Roman) • Incorporates information borrowed from at least five relevant scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources • Accurately uses APA formatting for in-text parenthetical citations and list of sources (References) What are the steps involved in writing the FARE? • Choose an issue that is related to the course theme—AND is important and interesting to you personally. • Choose relevant, credible sources; in most cases, you will build on your previous research in WR 122, but you may need to do additional research and reading. • Review your sources—and think about how they relate to each other. • Plan your essay. What do you want to say about this topic? What essential question will your essay answer? What new insights do you want to share with your readers? • Draft your essay. Construct a strong claim, support it with relevant evidence from your sources, and provide clear reasoning explaining how the evidence supports your claim. • Revise your essay, taking into consideration feedback from peers or instructor. (Multiple revisions will help you further develop ideas; clarify points; improve overall organization, clarify transitions between paragraphs, arrange sentences logically within paragraphs, etc.) • Edit and proofread with careful attention to word choice and standard conventions of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and documentation of sources. What is the topic of your research argumentative essay? Cannabis use during pregnancy risks vs benefits What information should successful freelancers include in their application? apa citations and good research skills How soon do you need your project completed? Within a month


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