What are two reasons in your opinion that entrepreneurs and small firms tend to be over-optimistic when evaluating new opportunitiesWhat are the seven Porterian factors to be considered when evaluati

  1. What are two reasons in your opinion that entrepreneurs and small firms tend to be over-optimistic when evaluating new opportunities?
  2. What are the seven Porterian factors to be considered when evaluating a new opportunity and give your thoughts on two of them.
  3. What is the CPUV (Customer Perceived Utility Value) formula and why is the upper right quadrant of the CPUV chart on page 75 a danger to small-medium enterprises?
  4. Of the six startup check list factors on page 81, which two do you feel are the most important and why.
  5. Of the issues described under ‘Foreseeable Problems’ on page 90, select the one that stands out to you the most and describe why.

read chapter 3 short answers only, 2-4 sentences.
