Write an ERP Integration Report for a Maintenance Organization

Consider the attached workflow in a maintenance organization. This workflow is labelled “main workflow”. The organization services external customers: Questions: Describe how this workflow should be set up in an ERP system.

Where in this workflow should decisions be made? Consider both the logistic part of the process as the required resources. Indicate these decision points at the proper point in the main workflow. Motivate your answer! Determine the supporting workflows attached to this workflow. Consider the logistics and the financial part. Motivate your answer. Assume no downpayment is requested or made, both by customers, suppliers and the organization itself. Attach these complementary workflows at the proper place in the main workflow. Make sure all necessary background processes are covered. Suggest an ERP system that could be used for this purpose.

Motivate your answer. The report contents should: Describe what master data is relevant in each step of the workflow. Motivate your answer. Consider the settlement of costs! Accounts used in the complementary workflows should have a meaningful name. Describe what is registered here. Indicate the type of account (Balance or profit – and loss account) the account is relevant to. Acceptance criteria: A report is accepted for if the following conditions are met: Volume at least 1500 words. Written in the English language with correct grammar and spelling. Format either MS Word or PDF. Properly illustrated with the workflow and the requested complementary workflows. I will share some materials you can use them. Deliver in 2 Days

Assignment general workflow v1