Introduction to Database CS350

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Introduction to Database



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3 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):3

Create Entity-Relationship model, Relational model, and write SQL queries.







Question One

Library Management System

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a database for a library management system. The system needs to track books, authors, members, and book loans. The requirements are as follows:

  • Each book has a unique ISBN, title, publication year, and genre. A book can have multiple authors.
  • Each author has a unique author ID, name, and nationality.
  • Each member has a unique member ID, name, address, and membership date.
  • Each loan records the loan of a book to a member and includes the loan date and return date.
  • Authors can write multiple books, and a book can have multiple authors.
  • Members can borrow multiple books, but a book can only be borrowed by one member at a time.

Given the scenario above, design the relational schema for the library management system. Identify the tables, their attributes, primary keys, and foreign keys. Explain the constraints you would apply to ensure data integrity.


3 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):3

Create Entity-Relationship model, Relational model, and write SQL queries.







Question Two

Based on the library management system scenario, create an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram. Include entities, relationships, attributes, and keys. Explain the design choices for the relationships and any constraints applied.

3 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):3

Create Entity-Relationship model, Relational model, and write SQL queries.







Question Three

Extend the ER diagram created in Module 4 to include subclass and superclass relationships. Specifically, include subclasses for different types of books (e.g., Fiction and Non-Fiction) and different types of members (e.g., Student and Faculty). Explain the rationale behind your design choices.




3 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): 4

Design a database starting from the conceptual design to the implementation of database schemas.




Question Four

Based on the given ERD, create two tables one for the relations metadate and the other for the columns metadata (for TransactionDetail, MsFish, and MsFishType) in a simplified database catalog.











3 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): 1

Explain the concepts and architectures involved in the database development.





Question Five

Using your own words, explain the advantages of the Three-Tier Client-Server Architecture over the Three-Tier Architecture in terms of security, scalability, and data integrity.


DB-Assignment 1 (1)