Marketing – Customer Intelligence    

Pace University                                           

Prof. Bolong Li                                 


Class Material Release

07/15, 07/22, 07/29, 08/05, 08/12, 08/19

In Person Meetings




1 Acquisition Marketing Overview 07/15

2 Retention Marketing Overview 07/22

3 Customer Data, Tools, tech and data warehousing 07/29

4 Analytics in Marketing, Data Science and modeling 08/05

5 Media and attribution, Conversion and optimization 08/12

6 Outbound marketing, Engagement and loyalty building, Integrated marketing 08/19

This schedule is subject to change.

Overall Scope:

Customer Intelligence is a new industry definition that encapsulates the marketing subject areas of Big Data, Advanced Analytics, Database Marketing/Data Driven Marketing, Digital, and Social Media Measurement and Marketing Technology.


Marketing departments are organized around the customer as opposed to the brand, product or channel to create more accountability of their programs and to be a faithful steward of the customer relationship. These marketers recognize the growing power of customers in shaping interactions with them, and the necessity of creating value for their customers. To meet this challenge, marketers require a better understanding of modern communication channels, analytics platform and tools, and full funnel planning. This applied course helps the marketing, CRM and Analytics practitioner develop existing and transformational thinking skills and competencies needed to compete in a more customer-centric digital age. A strategic intelligence framework will link competencies in customer insights, advanced analytics, digital and social media, business intelligence and experimentation together to drive greater and more Omni-Channel dialogue and relevant experience for the customer.

Rationale for the Course

Data Driven Marketing is now at the core of the Marketing function. Marketing overall has become a multi-disciplinary function with a variety of required skills and collaboration with the broader enterprise. Both market and technological changes have altered the tasks and requirements of those responsible for the marketing function in organizations. Consumers are now technologically empowered and have greater control over their interactions, transactions, and purchase decisions which have changed the relationship between them and the companies with whom they interact. To effectively create value for both customer and company, consumer data, that is, customer actions, sentiments, outcomes, and networks must be captured, analyzed and leveraged.

Better data capture and enhanced analytics provide a deeper understanding of consumer decision making and customer preferences enabling companies to influence customer interaction in real time. Customer intelligence is based on the design and development of databases that collect data from multiple sources and that are augmented by analytics to provide a 360 Omni-Channel view of the customer. Leading edge Big Data and Machine learning tools now permit the collection and evaluation data in real time and provide real-time intelligence that enables the creation and customization of products and services to meet the unique needs of individual customers on demand.  Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are making true one to one marketing an ever-increasing reality. Most Marketing function now have a Mar-Tech office to enable capabilities across operational areas, contact centers, IT and risk management.  This course introduces the technologies and analytical tools marketers may deploy to improve their programs and foster mutually beneficial relationships with customers.  This course will use cases, databases, and research reports to provide a foundation for examining the use of customer intelligence in varied marketing settings and applications including digital and Omnichannel marketing, social intelligence and identity resolution to name a few.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Gain an overall understanding of modern marketing in customer acquisition and retention

2          Learn how to fully understand customers and leverage customer data as a strategic asset to drive higher customer satisfaction, value and profitability, and understanding through identity resolution.

  1. Learn how marketing has become a multi-disciplinary function requiring the interconnection of many inputs. By using data, research and analytics combined with new Marketing technology marketers can make better decisions.
  2. Provide a managerial understanding of analytics and fact-based decision making essential to those responsible for oversight of the marketing function.
  3. Provide knowledge of Social/Digital CRM — combining customer insights from an online conversation within the customer database to inform marketing and business strategy.
  4. Gain a comprehensive understanding of how marketing Omni-Channel are built and deployed as well as measured. The course focuses heavily on the intelligence aspect of Digital, Mobile and Social and how these newer channels are measured and which metrics matter most.
  5. The course imparts a managerial understanding of Data Science and Business Intelligence.

Method of Assessment:

Key Marketing Area Review [30%].  In this review you will select and study a key marketing area by describing it and explaining its significance to marketers (How can it be leveraged and how does it help improve business results.  By week 4, you are expected to send the summary doc via email.

The doc will focus on answering below questions and more in each area:

  • What is this and why it is important?
  • What’s the customer behavior in this area?
  • What do you know about these customers (customer data)?
  • How do you marketers leverage data to improve performance now?
  • What’s needed further to get to ever better performance? What additional data?
  • What’s the latest development in this area from a customer intelligence perspective?

Area 1 – Performance Media (paid search, paid social etc.)

Area 2 – Above the line media (TV, OOH etc.)

Area 3 – Email and Direct Mail

Area 4 – Mobile app marketing

Area 5 – Website and SEO

Individual Project [70%] The course includes a comprehensive project in which individual chooses a target company and leverages a consulting blueprinting process to improve the company’s Customer Intelligence, data management, and analytics capability. This project requires the student to research a company’s marketing and analytics practices as well as to understand how they stack up against competitors. The exercise includes presenting a view of the current state, future state and gap assessment as well as innovative marketing, customer intelligence and analytics initiatives that will be launched to close gaps. The student is encouraged to apply the course concepts to solve problems and makes recommended changes to the company’s customer intelligence and analytics strategy. The project requires the student to summarize all the findings into a PowerPoint deck with 8-15 slides. You are expected to send the deck via email as individual by 08/19.

Recommended Readings:

Data Driven, T. Chavez. McGraw Hill 2019

Customer Intelligence by Sean Kelly:  From Data to Dialogue, 2006. Wiley.

Competing on Analytics or Analytics at work by Tom Davenport

Artificial Intelligence for Marketing. By J. Sterne. Wiley 2016.

Digital Marketing Analytics, Hemann and Burbary, 2013, Que Publishing.

Web Analytics 2.0, Avinash Kaushik, 2010.  Sybex Publishing.

Storytelling with Data, C. Nussbaumer Knaflic.  Wiley 2015.

Digital Marketing 6th Edition, Chaffey and Chadwick, 2016, Pearson.

Business Intelligence, Analytics and Data Science:  A Managerial Perspective, R. Sharda.   Pearson 2018.


Date/Class Meeting No. Topic/Subject Areas Covered Notes: 
Class 1




Customer Intelligence Conceptual Roadmap

·        Introduction

·        Review syllabus and course objectives

Customers and Marketing

·        Overview of modern marketing

·        Acquisition marketing




Class 2





Retention Marketing Overview


·        Retention marketing stages and funnel

·        Overview of retention and engagement marketing tactics


Class 3



Customer Data, Tools, tech and data warehousing

·        Customer Data type

·        Where to acquire customer data

·        How to translate customer data into insights or intelligence?

Tools, tech and data warehousing

·        What are the basic tools in acquiring customer data?

·        The basics in data warehousing

·        Tech and tooling in media and analytics

Class 4



Analytics in Marketing, Data Science and modeling


·        What is modern analytics in marketing

·        How to define an analytics project?

·        How to design a test?

·        A/B testing and multi-variable testing tools

·        Testing tools

·        What is Data Science and how it works in the marketing world?

·        What is the workflow of Data Science?

·        What are some real world examples of Data Science in Marketing?



Class 5



Media and attribution, Conversion and optimization


·        Deep dive into different types of media

·        Paid media and measurement

·        Media attribution and modeling

·        What is CRO and how important that is?

·        Testing and scaling

·        How to design a testing plan?

·        What are some real life conversion optimization examples?


Class 6






Outbound marketing, Engagement and loyalty building, Integrated marketing


·        What is engagement marketing, and loyalty marketing?

·        How do you leverage customer data to design the marketing programs?

·        How do you build a loyalty program based on customer intelligence?

·        How to leverage customer intelligence on outbound channel marketing?

·        What are the key outbound channels and their key features?

·        How to develop a data driven outbound marketing testing and scaling plan?

·        Targeting and segmentation







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Class Syllabus (Summer 2024)