Advanced Database Systems


Q1 [30%]: Convert the following EER schema to ODL schema. Properly highlight class names, the mappings of relationships, roles of classes in relationships, and inheritance in the ODL schema.


Notes on grading: This question will be graded based on correctly applying the mapping steps (25%) and the script’s readability (5%)


Q2 [20%]: Write OQL queries to retrieve the following:

2.1 List the names of all statues made of “stone” material and styled as “classical.”

2.2 List the names of exhibitions where artwork by “Leonardo da Vinci” was displayed.

Notes on grading: This question will be graded based on the correctness of the query syntax and logic (10%), and the correctness of the retrieved result (10%).



Q3 [20%]: Write the same queries as Q2 in SQL. Apply your query to the following relational schema.



Notes on grading: This question will be graded based on the correctness of the query syntax and logic (10%), and the correctness of the retrieved result (10%).


Q4 [30%]: How does OQL’s support for navigational access compare to SQL’s set-based approach? Which approach is more effective for the queries you wrote?

Notes on grading: This question will be graded based on completeness (10%), conciseness (10%), answer quality (5%), and correct citation (5%).



