
Ethical Assignment

Read the dilemmas and answer the questions. I attached the pdf down below and more directions are included. 

Ethical Ambguity

  1. Research the meta-ethical concept of the Good. 2. Initial Post  Define the “ultimate Good” using everything that…


Complete the Ethical Theories Comparison Chart:  Over the course of thousands of years, various theories have been offered to…

ETC Week 14

The final Project is due next week. There are no graded activities this week so be sure to continue…

Estimating Time And Cost

Estimating Time and Cost Using a project that you have experience with, that of a family member or friend,…

Essays Guru Work

  Complete a 1- to 2-page table using the Positive Rights Table Template provided, comparing your opinion of the…

Essay Social Psychology

PSY/400: Social Psychology Wk 5 – Conflict Resolution Program [due Mon] Wk 5 – Conflict Resolution Program [due Mon]…


  Select ONE of the topics below about Siddhartha and write an essay response. You may use and refer to…