
Economic Question

Read the two articles attached on this page and write a two page letter to the editor that examines…

Economic Paper

For the writing assignment, I give you a policy issue or situation that you are asked to comment on…


  Standard trade theory is based on perfect competition, with constant returns to scale at the level of the…


  Complete this assignment in a Microsoft Word document, APA formatted and then submit it by midnight, Day 7.…

Econometrics Worksheet

 a)   Estimate a standardized regression model with ypcgr as the dependent variable and explanatory variables edavg, testavg, and ypc60.…


     Homework 1  Assume that you are hired to investigate the causal effect between being raised in high-poverty neighborhoods…


This is the data given. I have to choose which model is best to use. How should I start…


t should follow an essay format, which means you must add an introduction, analysis and conclusion. The word limit…