Education, Law and Arts School of Education Assessment Item

Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts School of Education Assessment Item


EDS2401 Junior Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy


Assignment 2 Task Sheet


Weighting: 50%


Purpose and context


This task requires you to create a unit plan for a hypothetical junior secondary class and explain your thinking behind designs for pedagogy and curriculum.


Task Outline


This task has two parts:


Part A: Annotated unit overview (25 marks)


(a) Create an overview for a unit of work in your major teaching subject that


is appropriate for a junior secondary class. The unit will run for four weeks with three 70-minute lessons each week. The unit should align with the Australian Curriculum (Years 7-10). Identify your subject, the year level and the topic. The template for the unit overview is on Study Desk (10 marks for overview).


(b) Annotate your unit overview by adding 15-20 side-bar comments


supported by a range of references from EDS2401 readings and further research, which explain in 2-4 sentences how the design of your unit meets junior secondary students’ developmental needs. Identify a variety of elements within the unit overview and explain how they cater to junior secondary needs. Justify your annotations with relevant references to course material (15 marks for side-bar annotations).


Part B: Essay (25 marks)


Write an essay of 1200 words, with reference to a range of EDS2401 readings and further research that adds to your annotations in Part A by explaining in greater depth how the design of your unit overview meets the learning needs of junior secondary students.


Your essay must explain and provide relevant examples of:


How the range of learning experiences throughout the unit plan is


responsive to junior secondary students’ developmental needs


How the effective use of ICT engages junior secondary learners


How the curriculum design of the unit caters for diverse needs


How the unit addresses Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander junior


secondary learners’ needs and the expectations of their community


An academic style is expected, with accurate in-text referencing and a reference list at the end of the essay which is correctly formatted according to APA7 referencing conventions. It must adhere to the word limit. It will be assumed


that you are familiar with all the As2 documentation. Assistance can be obtained from the Examiner by posting queries in the As2 Q&A Forum.


Submission Requirements


Submit ONE (1) Word document which includes the following items:


1. Annotated unit overview; and


2. An essay of 1200 words


EDS2401 Unit Overview 2020 (5)

EDS2401 Assignment 2 Task_S1_2023