Individual Poster Presentation

Summative Assessment:  Individual Poster Presentation

Session: Trimester B 2023/24

Diet: First

Level: 9

Date of submission: Thursday 2nd of May by 1pm

Submission arrangements: Electronic arrangements via GCU Learn/ Turnitin

Weighting: This assessment will be marked out of 100% The poster is a single component submission. A mark of 40% is required to pass this assessment.

This Summative Assessment will assess the Module Learning Outcomes:

  1. Critically examine clinical decision making in adult


  1. Critically explore organisational, leadership and management skills required to support planning and delivery of high-quality nursing care in a variety of contexts.


  1. Appraise the professional, ethical and legal issues associated with managing care


  1. Evaluate and critically analyse, the role of the Registered Nurse in the formation and maintenance of effective nursing


  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the management of healthcare



Following the delivery of the module content, students should identify a potential challenge for the Newly Qualified Adult Nurse/Graduate in contemporary health care delivery; an academic /scientific style poster will be produced to disseminate the findings and suggested intervention.

Students are required to reflect on their prior learning, practice experience and review relevant literature to identify one challenge facing the new registrant /graduate in contemporary health care delivery. The student is invited to demonstrate their critical thinking skills by suggesting an intervention to support the registrant with this challenge.





Title of Poster:

‘Supporting the Newly Qualified Adult Nurse’


A final version of the poster will be completed using Power Point and uploaded onto Turnitin.

This will be accompanied by a short audio clip which should:

  • Introduce your poster topic and your rationale for selecting this.
  • You should then talk about one challenge you have identified through your research and one way to overcome this challenge.
  • In doing so, you should mention the research base (references) that have led you to this topic.

The audio clip should last up to a maximum of 5 minutes. Further details on how to design your poster are included in this guidance.

There will be guidance added to the module site for adding your audio clip to your Power Point.  

 Poster Presentation Guidelines

The marking rubric is also available for review. Here is a breakdown of the sections for your information.


Poster Structure and Content (10%):

Consider your topic and how you wish to present this on your poster.

Remember to use academic writing and referencing in your poster content.

Think about the relevant points of your topic and how this relates to professional issues in practice.


Poster graphics and Presentation (10%):

Try to use clear graphics and make sure that each section addresses your selected topic.

This is an academic-style poster so avoid any informal pictures or graphics.


Knowledge and understanding (30%):

Consider the following in this section:

  • What is the challenge
  • Why this is a challenge
  • How does it impact on the Newly Qualified Registrant /Graduate?
  • What can you suggest could be implemented as a support strategy?


Application to practice (30%):

Consider the following for this section:

  • When would this be implemented
  • Who would implement this strategy?
  • Where would you suggest this be implemented
  • What are the potential benefits and barriers to the suggested strategy for the Newly Qualified Registrant





Literature sources and referencing (10%):

As this is an academic-style poster, referencing from a range of good quality resources should be included.

This may also include relevant national and local policies as well as good quality research.

This demonstrates your understanding of the direct links between the literature and your practice as a Newly Qualified Adult Nurse.

Presentation skills (10%):

Your audio clip should last a maximum of 5 minutes.

Identify the challenge you have selected and a way to overcome this.

Make sure that you plan what to record and time your audio.






















Formative Assessment

This will take place in the Tuesday Tutorial class of Week 6 with the facilitator.

Students will be divided into small groups and invited to discuss their planned topic with their peers.

This is not marked.

You may wish to bring with you the associated literature that you have which has informed your choice.

The facilitator will be available for advice and feedback.

Additional Information:

General Poster Presentation Guidance:

An academic /scientific poster presentation is a graphic/textual way to show others your work. Therefore, your poster presentation should rely on colour, diagrams, charts and visual images to illustrate your ideas rather than solely presenting information in text.

Please ensure: 

  • Include a title, your name and student number
  • Include the GCU logo (available from GCU Learn)
  • Use power point or publisher to create the A1 poster or other format of choice

Hints and Tips – to consider

  • The poster should be aesthetically pleasing.
    • Are the graphics large enough to be seen from a distance of 10 feet (3 meters) if blown up to A1 size? (Please note you do not need to blow you poster up, however if you want to have it printed the print room will be happy to do this for a small fee)


  • Make sure the poster is readable (i.e. font is not too small), A font size of less than 24pt will be difficult to read.
  • Select colour combinations that are simple and pleasing to the eye.
    • Use careful combinations of colour and whitespace
    • Use more intense colours for borders, contrast and emphasis.
    • Two/three colours will unify the poster.
  • Balance the quantity of text and graphics and use bullet points and lists to increase clarity and quantity of information.
    • Clearly define the issue in question and the scope of the poster – get to the point quickly
    • Balance the text and graphics, with the visuals being self-explanatory
    • The text used must be concise; using just enough words to explain your work and the significance and impact of your topic
    • Be selective in the material you include in the poster
    • Check typography; avoid abbreviations, acronyms and jargon.
  • Layout and organise the material to make the main message clear.
    • Eye movement should be natural, down the column or along rows, size attracts attention; use arrows, pointing hands, numbers and letters to clarify sequences.
    •  Have a logical flow from one section into the next
    • Organise the material explicitly (headings/ labels)
    • Don’t overload the poster – more material/images can mean less communication.
  • Visual images should be clearly labeled and referenced. 
    • Use high quality diagrams/ pictures
    • If you produce your own images, please reference with own Matric. number (for clarity).

The Poster should be supported by contemporary evidenced based literature and should include a reference list that follows the current GCU cite them right referencing guidelines. 

    • All references should be placed in a text box at the bottom right-hand corner of your poster.
    • You should include relevant references in-text within the written sections of your poster


Hint & Tips – What to Avoid

  • Assuming the purpose of the poster is clear
  • Make the reader have to ‘figure out’ how to get round your poster – make it clear.
  • Waffle!
  • Use too much text
  • Make the text so small that the reader cannot read it
  • Combine too many colours
  • Use necessary detail or cluttered visuals
  • Use more than two font types
  • Be sloppy with the production



Poster Resources:


LDT support:

The team have produced a short video on how to produce a Poster and is available in the Assignment & tests Tab on the module site

GCU LDC: What is an academic poster:


Other useful information (Using Power Point for your Poster):


100% 0 <30 30-39 40- 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70-79 80-89 90-100
  Non Submission Clear Fail Marginal Fail Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent Exceptional Exceptional

Poster Structure and Content














  Overall poor ability with no satisfactory elements.



Major flaws in academic /professional writing.


Relevant challenge not identified

No mention of proposed intervention.



Overall poor ability with some satisfactory elements



Major flaws in academic /professional writing.


Relevant challenge poorly identified

Limited satisfactory mention of proposed intervention.




Overall satisfactory ability.

Satisfactory but some evidence of weak academic /professional writing.

Challenge for New Registrant identified and proposed intervention identified.

Limited content selection.

Overall good ability.



Good structure provided.   Good standard of academic /professional writing.


Demonstrates a good balance between depth and breadth in content selection in relation to challenge and proposed intervention.

Overall very good ability


Very well structured with a high standard of academic /professional writing.


Demonstrates a very good balance between depth & breadth in relation to challenge and proposed intervention.


Overall mostly excellent ability


Excellent structure with an exceptionally high standard of academic /professional writing.


Demonstrates an awareness of broader professional issues in relation to challenge and proposed intervention.




Overall exceptional ability with few weaknesses.


Excellent structure with an exceptionally high standard of academic /professional writing.


Demonstrates an awareness of broader professional issues in relation to challenge and proposed intervention.



Overall exceptional ability with no weaknesses


Excellent structure with an exceptionally high standard of academic /professional writing.


Demonstrates an awareness of broader professional issues in relation to challenge and proposed intervention.



Poster Graphics and Presentation




  Selected low quality graphics which do not enhance the content.  Poor/no effort to organise the material into coherent visual tool

No use of headings, fonts, bullet points and other appropriate means to enhance the visual appeal and readability of the content.


Selected low quality graphics which do not enhance the content.  Poor effort to organise the material into coherent visual tool


Poor use of headings, fonts, bullet points and other appropriate means to enhance the visual appeal and readability of the content.


Selects graphics which while not all of a high quality, do at times enhance and clarify the content.

Uses a loosely defined organizational structure which attempts to group similar items.

Makes limited use of headings, fonts, bullet points and other appropriate means to enhance the visual appeal and readability of the content.


Selects graphics which enhance and clarify the content.

Good use of headings, fonts, bullet points and other appropriate means to enhance the contents visual appeal and increase readability.

Selects high quality graphics to enhance and clarify the content.

Very good use is made of headings, fonts, bullet points and other appropriate means.  The visual appearance and readability are very good.

Selects excellent high-quality graphics which add to the clarity and the content.

Excellent use is made of headings, fonts, bullet points and other appropriate means to create a professional finished product.

Selects exceptionally high-quality graphics which add to the clarity and the content.

Exceptional use is made of headings, fonts, bullet points and other appropriate means to create a professional finished product

Selects exceptionally high-quality graphics which add to the clarity and the content.

Exceptional use is made of headings, fonts, bullet points and other appropriate means to create a professional finished product

Knowledge & Understanding 



  Unsubstantiated opinion.

Descriptive work.

Limited understanding of key concepts.

Descriptive work.

Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of key concepts.

Mainly descriptive.

Demonstrates a good understanding and knowledge of key concepts. Development of critical thinking evident by providing comparisons between alternative points of view.


Demonstrates a very good understanding and knowledge of key concepts.  Displays critical thinking by identifying strengths & weaknesses of various positions. Presents an interesting coherent argument.  Evidence of critical thinking provides an excellent insight and understanding of key concepts. Presents an interesting coherent argument.  Evidence of critical thinking provides an exceptional insight and understanding of key concepts. Presents an interesting coherent argument.  Evidence of critical thinking provides an exceptional insight and understanding of key concepts.
Application to practice


30 %

  No application to Adult nursing practice and how a proposed intervention could support the New Registrant.




Limited application to Adult nursing practice and how a proposed intervention could support the New Registrant.


Satisfactory application to Adult nursing practice and how the proposed intervention could support the New Registrant Good application to Adult Nursing practice and how the proposed intervention could support the New Registrant


Very good application to Adult nursing practice and how the proposed intervention could support the New Registrant


Excellent application to Adult nursing practice and how the proposed intervention could support the New Registrant


Exceptional application to Adult nursing practice and how the proposed intervention could support the New Registrant


Exceptional application to Adult nursing practice and how the proposed intervention could support the New Registrant


Literature Sources and referencing


  No of supporting literature. Range and quality of sources used is poor.

Referencing guidelines not adhered to both in-text and reference list

Limited supporting literature. Range and quality of sources used is poor.

Referencing guidelines not adhered to both in-text and reference list

Satisfactory range and quality of sources.


Attempts to use the appropriate referencing guidelines in-text and collating reference list.

Good range and quality of sources.


Sources integrated and used effectively to support arguments.


Uses appropriate referencing guidelines both in-text and collating reference list.


Supported by references from a wide range of literature.


Overall, sources are integrated very well and used effectively to support arguments.


Applies appropriate referencing guidelines both in-text and collating reference list.

Supported by reference to a wide range of literature and integrated competently.


Excellent range and quality of relevant and contemporary sources.


Excellent adherence to appropriate referencing guidelines both in-text and collating reference list.


Supported by references from a wide range of literature and integrated competently.


Exceptional range and quality of relevant and contemporary sources.


Exceptional adherence to appropriate referencing guidelines both in-text and collating reference list.


Supported by references from a wide range of literature and integrated competently.


Exceptional range and quality of relevant and contemporary sources.


Exceptional adherence to appropriate referencing guidelines both in-text and collating reference list.


Presentation Skills

(recorded short audio clip)


10 %

  Poor use of volume, intonation & speed of verbal delivery.


Timing poor – no evidence of planning


No explanation or reference to literature.



Poor use of volume, intonation & speed of verbal delivery.


Timing poor – poor evidence of planning



Limited explanation and reference to literature.



Satisfactory use of volume, intonation & speed of delivery


Timing satisfactory, some evidence of planning


Explanation tends to be restricted and descriptive. Minimal reference to literature


Good use of volume, intonation & speed of delivery


Timing good, evidence of planning session demonstrated


Explanation demonstrates a good understanding with reference to literature on occasion


Very good use of volume, intonation & speed of delivery



Timing of delivery good inferring very good planning.



Explanation very good and well supported by literature

Excellent use of volume, intonation & speed of delivery


Timing of delivery well thought through inferring excellent planning


Excellent explanation and reference to relevant literature throughout

Exceptional use of volume, intonation & speed of delivery


Timing of delivery well thought through inferring excellent planning


Exceptional explanation and reference to relevant literature throughout

Exceptional use of volume, intonation & speed of delivery


Timing of delivery well thought through inferring excellent planning


Exceptional explanation and reference to relevant literature throughout

Summative Assessment Guidelines LMANC M3B726111 2324(1) (2)