Midterm Exam EMBA 507


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EMBA 507 Midterm exam

Due date 18 October 2024
Exam instructions:


·       There are 5 questions. All questions and the parts in them are required.

·       Response should be brief and to the point. Your total number of pages in this document should not exceed 5 pages.

·       Use a Word document to provide your response, make sure to rename the document to include your name. A PDF version is not required.

·       Your response is evaluated on the level of its completeness, clarity, relevancy, and persuasiveness.

·       Submit by the due date and time in LMS. The submission area will automatically disappear after the due date and time. Late or email submissions are not accepted.

·       This is an individual take home exam, so collaboration, contact, or discussion on the questions and responses are not allowed. Any signs of plagiarism or collaboration will result in 0 marks for both students. This includes copying from other students, or borrowing from any external resources. However, certain information that supports your position or arguments can be included, noting that you should use paraphrasing techniques and ensure proper citation of the sources. External resources will be examined for that purpose.


QUESTION 1 [20 points] Collaboration Tools.

Using the time/space collaboration and social tool matrix, provide at least two examples for each type from your own organization or an environment you know. Make sure to state the technology used and how it is relevant to performing the type of collaboration. Comment on each technology example you provide, and then provide suggestions for possible improvements. (Chapter2!!)


QUESTION 2 [20 points] IT and Competitive ADVANTAGES.

Information technology (IT) can be used as competitive advantages for many organizations. However, it is challenging to sustain these competitive advantages. Discuss this from local and global perspectives. Provide examples on some competitive advantages from your own organization, or from an organization you know. Further, explain what steps can be done to sustain these competitive advantages. (Chapter 3)

QUESTION 3 [20 points] The IT Infrastructure.


The IT infrastructure includes components such as (1) computer hardware, (2) operating systems, (3) enterprise software applications, (4) data management and storage, (5) Internet platforms, and others. Pick two components, and discuss the following for each component:

  • Explain the component help the organization to perform its functions
  • Provide at least two examples from your own organization, or an organization you know
  • What are some new trends in this infrastructure component?

Chapter 5

QUESTION 4 [20 points] Outsourcing.


Organizations outsource many of their IT needs, including software-as-a-service (SaaS). Explain the concept of SaaS, and provide some examples. Do you think an organization can outsource all of its software needs? State at least two advantages and two disadvantages for using SaaS.


QUESTION 5 [20 points] Implication of IT Regulations.

The Saudi Data & AI Authority (SDAIA) announced recently postponing the enforcement of the Saudi Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL), according to SPA.

“…the scope of the National Data Management and Personal Data Protection Standards also extends to business partners handling government data. Such business partners are responsible to understand and apply the Data Management and Personal Data Protection standards to all government data assets within their control and custody. The Standards apply to all government data regardless of form or type including paper records, emails, data stored in electronic form, voice recordings, videos, maps, photos, scripts, handwritten documents, or any other form of recorded data.” Source: NDMO.

This PDPL is seen as a significant act as it applies to all kinds of organizations and agents collecting and storing data from all the population of Saudi Arabia. The necessity of this law and its enforcement is to protect data and privacy of government agencies, organizations, and citizens, and the benefits of such law is a national endeavor. However, the following commentary on PDPL appears on Bloomberg stating that “[PDPL] will have a major impact on the cost and ability to do business in the Kingdom.

  • From your point of view, do you think the postponement of the PDPL is positive or negative, given its importance and implications?
  • Discuss the implications of the decision in terms of (1) privacy of data, and (2) local and international businesses.

Sources: SPA; NDMO

EMBA 507 MidtermExam 1st Semester 2024 (1) copy