Principles and Practices of Global Business – ECOB303

Task Description


            Individual Home Assignment (75% of the final mark)

Description of assignment:

Each student is required to complete one of the following topics in only one of the management functions offered. These are listed following the forthcoming instructions.


The student has 2,500 words (+or –10%) in which to address the selected topic. This 2,500-word maximum excludes the Table of Contents, all appendix materials, as well as the listing of references and source information.  It is expected that students write their own reports. If any assistance is provided in ensuring the English is correctly used in the writing of the report, it too must be noted. This is also the expectation of all the other references used in the report’s completion.


In addition, the following guidelines must be followed if a student is to be eligible for full marks:


  • The report should contain an Executive Summary. This chapter should act as an abstract where the author presents the main points and the main messages of the paper. It should be written as if the author wanted to summarize the main ideas and conclusions of the paper for their superiors. This chapter should be the first in line (preceded by the Table of Contents and followed by the Introduction). This part should not be longer than 1 page.
  • The points within each topic are not a sole indication of the total information or review required. They are provided to give you a starting point from which to expand, investigate and build-upon and use your creativity while providing valuable insight and information.
  • Use a minimum of 20 references to complete your report. Students should pay attention to use sources that are sources published recently. OF THE 20 REFERENCES A MINIMUM OF 10 NEED TO BE FROM ACADEMIC SOURCES.
  • Show and note all references according to the Harvard-style referencing process
  • You need to include specific examples and demonstrate insight and creativity
  • Use of charts, graphs, pictures, cartoons, tables, and timely graphics related to your topic are encouraged and should be used within the body of the report.
  • Students should ensure the individual parts of the report create one coherent unit with the main points recapitulated in the conclusion.
  • For a mark of 70 percent or more, students should produce a report with a flawless structure. A good overview of the report in the introduction, a main body that is broken down into separate sections and a conclusion with a recapitulation of the main point. Students need to critically reflect on the topic and not only cite relevant academic and other high-quality sources, but they will be able to interpret them in a meaningful way that serves to aim of the report. Cited sources should serve the understanding of the topic or the elaborated arguments.


The assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria (see the grid on Moodle):

  • Executive summary (weight 10%)
  • Background and introduction (10%)
  • Use of literature (15%)
  • Analysis and evaluation (20%)
  • Structure and organization (10%)
  • Conclusions and recommendations (20%)
  • Communication and presentation (15%)

Papers shorter than 2,220 and longer than 2,800 words lose 10 points. Papers shorter than 2,000 words or longer than 3000 words fail automatically. Papers where there are two or three discrepancies between the references used in and after text receive 0% on “Communication and Presentation”. Papers where there are four or more discrepancies between the references used in and after text fail automatically (0%). Papers that do not contain a minimum of ten (10) academic sources fail automatically (0%). Academic sources are academic journal articles, preferably, with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers; chapters in edited books; and monographs. Poor academic practice (e.g., quoting directly from sources that exceeds 10% of the paper) will result in automatic fail (0%).

The resit arrangement for the assignment is the same as above; you may resubmit the same paper, with corrections, that you submitted by the original deadline. The resubmission deadline will be specified on Moodle after the grades for the original submission are published.

Academic conduct notice

Harvard-style referencing needs to be used consistently throughout. Incomplete referencing shall result in reporting the case to the Academic Conduct Officer, who keeps a record of such violations. First offenders may resubmit their papers and may receive 50% at most. Repeated violations of academic standards shall be sanctioned in line with the plagiarism regulations as detailed in the Student Handbook.

Where the Academic Conduct Officer has reason to suspect that a piece of work submitted by a student was wholly or in part written by someone other than the student who submitted it, and this has not been disclosed by the student, they may call for the student to defend the work in a viva or a written comprehension test. The burden of proof in such a viva or test will be upon the student to demonstrate to the examination panel’s satisfaction his/her full comprehension of the work s/he has submitted. Failure to appear without satisfactory explanation will result in immediate failure of that assessment, with consequences of academic misconduct and application of sanctions.

Timeline for Assignment:

Students are expected to adhere to the following schedule in all cases. No late submissions will be accepted.

  • Submit the selected topic to your seminar leader (e.g. MC3), no topic change after this point, week 3
  • The final assignment must be up-loaded to Moodle.



Due date and time (uploading to Moodle after Turnitin) will be available on Moodle on the homepage of the module.









 Individual Home Assignment Topics


For each of the following topics (except IB 2,3) the student is expected to prepare a Business Report for a fictitious company. This Report is being submitted to the CEO/Managing Director and will be used to set Company policy and direction. The Report MUST be relevant, timely and provide sufficient details and information for the CEO/Managing Director to make a sound and prudent business decision.


Each student is required to complete one (1) Report from the following management functions offered. These are listed following this descriptive section.


  1. Marketing and Communication


MC1.      Marketing is a management discipline used extensively throughout the world. However, Management must be aware of the numerous cultural, legal and moral differences and incorporate these into their strategic and tactical implementation in each country.


A fictitious Company is determining how it may have to alter or modify its current marketing strategy as it enters two (2) new markets. Compare, contrast, and analyze the various forms of advertising (television, radio, print, and digital online media) in the three (3) different countries situated in different geographical regions. The first country is the home or domestic market while the other two (2) countries are the new markets being considered for development.


The fictitious Company needs specific information on one (1) of these topics:

  • vice products’ regulations and marketing (commonly accepted as alcohol and tobacco)
  • use of comparative advertising between products
  • rules and regulations regarding advertising to children as classified in each country


The selected topic, from above, must include the three-way analysis of the difference and similarities of ALL the following considerations:

  • advertising laws
  • industry guidelines on advertisements and advertising/marketing
  • culturally and morally acceptable guidelines
  • regulatory bodies and agencies


In addition, ensure the Report addresses penalties, fines and processes if the laws, regulations and/or guidelines are broken.  The Report MUST include samples of actual print advertisements, and links to television, radio and online examples to support the findings and research.




MC2.      Internet and social-media marketing has gained popularity during the past ten (10) years. Companies have been forced to monitor its potential and opportunities in addition to the dangers and threats it possesses to the reputation of classic and newly emerging brands.


A fictitious Company is determining how it should develop and approach two (2) new countries (markets) with regards to its on-line presence and internet portal development. There are numerous factors the Company must consider when deciding a strategy for its “digital footprint” and “online presence” in these new countries.


Select three (3) countries from different geographic regions. The first country is the home/domestic market while the other two (2) countries are the new markets being considered for development. The Report MUST include a three-way analyze of the difference and similarities of ALL the following factors:


  • availability of the internet and social media as a medium
  • acceptability of internet and social-media marketing and its use by the culture
  • impact on conventional advertising
  • present and future impact on the marketing discipline
  • effectiveness in each selected country


MC3.      Meeting and surveying consumers, collecting feedback, and testing new product ideas, concepts and prototypes are all important aspects of the marketing function. One possible method to address these requirements is attending and/or participating at either Consumer based, or Industry based Trade Shows. Select a industry and then a specific product or service for the Report from a fictitious company.


The CEO/Managing Director has requested a Report to determine the effectiveness of Trade Show attendance, both with a booth as well as “walking” the Show to collect information. The CEO wants to determine if Trade Shows are still an effective communication and marketing tool. The Report must provide conclusive recommendations on the action the Company should take in regard to its involvement in future trade shows. The Report must consider either “Consumer Based Trade Shows” or “Industry Based Trade Shows” based on the industry and product or service selected.


The following topics MUST also be presented within the Report:

  • When to have an actual booth or just “walk” the Show floor and a comparative cost analysis of both activities
  • How to prepare for and ensure the Show is a success and how to define what is a successful Show
  • Who should work at or visit the Show and what is their specific role in the activity
  • How to effectively market and advertise a Company’s booth
  • How to effectively use the booth and floor space
  • Required follow-up and actions following the completion of the Show


MC4.      Market Research is a key fundamental when determining customer needs and wants as well as determining the various attributes products and services will offer and provide. During the past 15 years, Market Research has changed and adapted to the “Digital Age”. This has allowed companies to extend their research globally and obtain data previously unattainable or too expensive to gather. In addition, it has resulted in companies needing to deal with cultural and infrastructure differences existing among countries leading to the Market Research process having to be modified.


The CEO/Managing Director has requested a Report to determine how this fictitious Company should approach; structuring, delivering, and completing market research in the new countries it is expanding into. Select three (3) countries from different global regions, with the first being the Home/Domestic market and the other two (2) being the new countries being considered. The Report must use the following guidelines:

  • Compare, contrast and analyse conventional forms of market research and the new digital age market research.
  • Define, discuss and analyse the similarities and differences in comparison of the two (2) new markets to the Home market.
  • Which type of market research could be useful in the countries in question?
  • Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed methods in the countries in question.


Human Resources


HR1.      Individuals are being offered international postings and assignments. This provides individuals with opportunities to work and live in another country as an Expatriate (Expat). The Posting may be for either an extended (three to five years) or a short-term (under two year) period of time.


The CEO/Managing Director has requested a Report to determine the costs and impact of using Expats as part of a fictitious Company’s international expansion strategy. Use three (3) countries, with the first country and city being the Home/Domestic market while the other two (2) are the new countries and respective cities being considered. The countries must be from different global regions. The Report MUST use a specific City within the country for the comparison and explain why it was selected. The Report MUST include, in detail, the advantages and disadvantages when using Expats and include a three-way comparison of:

  • An analysis of, ALL the additional costs and expenses the Company will have to deal with in comparison to the Home market
  • Difficulties the individual, accompanying family and the Company itself will face both in the Home and new market
  • What benefits should be extended to the Expat and why?
  • What the Expat and accompanying family may expect as part of the Posting in the way of compensation, accommodations, insurance, schooling, transportation, and other benefits
  • Why, when, and how should the Expat be eventually replaced?



HR2.      Human Resources (HR) departments within companies developing global markets have an additional responsibility over their domestically focused competitors – “how to prepare an employee and accompanying family members for the new assignment in a foreign country” as an Expat. This includes determining the most likely candidate; pre-departure preparation, corporate and local support and expectations in the new country; and the employee’s return to their home country and corporate office.


The CEO/Managing Director of a fictitious Company has requested a Report from HR providing specific and detailed programs addressing: what policies and procedures MUST be in place to ensure the correct candidate (Expat) is selected for the Posting; and is then properly prepared to be successful in the new position. Use three (3) countries. The first country is the Home/Domestic market from which the candidate is being sent. The other two (2) are the new countries being considered. The countries must be from different global regions.


To ensure the success of the Expat the Report must discuss the following topics using a three-way analysis and comparison:


  • What characteristics and traits should Candidates have to increase the likelihood of success in the foreign market selected?
  • Whether an employee with a family is a bonus or liability in the countries selected
  • What specific and detailed policies, training, education, and services must the Company offer to employees
  • Define and discuss Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock, its symptoms, and how to properly prepare the Expat for it, to cope with it, or to diminish its effects
  • The Cultural differences the Expat and accompanying family may face and how to properly prepare them for these differences


HR3.      Defined as the “Glass-ceiling”, women have historically been openly and secretly constrained from: participating in business at senior management levels; Boards of Directors; Government; and other professional occupations like engineering, law and medicine.


The CEO/Managing Director wishes to provide opportunities for the women employed in the fictitious Company and has requested a Report to determine if, in 2020, obstacles remain keeping women from participating fully in the global economy. The CEO is also interested in determining if the “Glass-Ceiling” is a cultural phenomenon or is it an issue in all countries and cultures.  Use three (3) countries. The first country is the Home/Domestic market the Company is based in. The other two (2) countries are the new countries being considered. The countries must be from different global regions.


The Report must discuss the following in a three-way comparison:

  • How does the Glass-Ceiling manifest itself in the countries in question;?
  • Is there gender equality and equal roles within business?
  • Role of Government in defining and ensuring equality
  • Cultural acceptance of women in business and senior roles and relevance in the selected countries
  • What company policies and education are required to solve the issues





MG1.     The CEO/Managing Director, as part of a fictitious Company’s first international expansion strategy, has requested a Report to address its expansion into three (3) new countries and determine what the best method to achieve success is.  The Company is a mid-sized company with less than 500 employees and annual sales of less than US$900 million. The Report MUST analyze, decide and then recommend which of the seven (7) possible globalization entries methods (as noted in the textbook and slides) is the most feasible for each of the three (3) countries. It will also provide a timeline as to which market is first, second and then third. The Report MUST consider what preparation is required and the variables and factors to be considered when determining and implementing the successful global expansion. You MUST name the Country (number 4) where the Company is located.


The Report will also include the following topics:

  • Factors influencing the decisions including but not limited to market size, geographic location, population; income; cultural and legal differences and similarities
  • Differences and the required approach to the market
  • Geographic and cultural distance from domestic market and how this impacts market access and the delivery of initial and on-going support
  • Ramifications of the Country of Origin (COO) affect
  • Reasons why the Company may succeed or fail based on the countries selected.


The countries selected must include two (2) countries from the following: United States, China, India, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil and Mexico and the third (3) country can be your choice of any country. The Fourth (4) country (the Company’s home country) may be any country not already selected previously.






Political and Legal


PL1.       The Law! What does this mean in business and how do companies and managers protect their business interests and business integrity when dealing with the three (3) separate legal frameworks (Common; Codified; Theocratic)? Each represents a different approach to law. When doing business in a new country with a different system it can cause potentially devastating results with contracts and other legalities surrounding business dealings and expectations.


Compare and contrast the difference in legal structures between three (3) countries from each of the three (3) different legal backgrounds. How does this affect a Company’s interests and approaches to doing business in these countries? Is the written law the same as the business and acceptable society practices? What is the Government’s role and impact on the law and judicial structure; and how do culture and regional differences impact on the law and ethical approach to it?


Your Report should include how the different legal frameworks may or may not impact and differ in relation to: Human Resource Management; Marketing; Contracts and Negotiations; and Accounting Principles and Finance rules.


International Business


IB1.        The global economy is a complex web of country and economic interdependence held together by country and regional trade agreements and policies. These Trade Agreements connect worldwide economic activities such as production, manufacturing, trade, and consumption. Therefore, these Agreements create an increasingly interdependency with the economic welfare between Trade Partners. The recent negotiations (last 2-3 years) involving or impacting Europe are those with Canada (CETA), the 11 country Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trade Agreement between the EU and Japan.


Your Report must complete a three-way review of the following points determining the differences and similarities between the Agreements. In addition, the Report must include:

  • How do these Agreements directly and indirectly impact the EU and its Member States and their companies, consumers, and residents?
  • How did the respective country politics and special interest groups influence and impact the final versions of each Trade Agreement?
  • What were the procedures required from the start to the final ratification of each of the Agreements?
  • How do these Agreements strengthen or weaken global economic interdependency?
  • What effect will the Agreements have on people and businesses as it relates to employment, wages, purchasing power, consumer choices and competitiveness of small and medium sized businesses.


IB2.   In the past years, the world economy and the world trade are substantially influenced by the Russian-Ukrainian war. We know that the performance of the world economy and world trade will be heavily influenced by this armed conflict and invasion this year (and probably later) too.


Your task is to introduce and analyse the impacts of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its current, long lasting affects to the world economy: production by main industries, main service sectors, unemployment, state budgets, inflation. Which countries are rather the winners and the losers in global economy?


Introduce how the economy of your country is impacted by this war.


IB3.   In the past years, the world economy and the world trade are substantially influenced by the Russian-Ukrainian war. We know that the performance of the world economy and world trade will be heavily influenced by this armed conflict and invasion this year (and probably later) too.


Your task is to introduce and analyse the impacts of the Russian-Ukrainian war to the world and regional trade. Introduce the status of world trade by main industrial and service sector. How are the global and international business and business relationships influenced by this situation? What can the WTO do to support the economic improvement?


Analyse how the international trade of your country is impacted by this armed conflict.

Task Description of Individual Home Assignment