PSY3PAS Assessment 3: Psychological Assessment Report Guidelines

PSY3PAS Assessment 3: Psychological Assessment Report Guidelines UPDATED




Our fictitious client, “Leonardo Costa”, was referred to us from the La Trobe Counselling service for an assessment following some difficulties he has been facing. We have run six tests with Leonardo and have started writing up a Psychological Assessment Report to report our findings. Your task is to review and interpret information from the tests to complete the Psychological Assessment Report by writing the “Test Results”, “Summary”, “Opinion” and “Recommendations” sections.


You will be provided with all the other sections of Leonardo’s psychological report (see document “PSY3PAS Assessment 3 Leonardo’s report – beginning sections”), and with tables containing Leonardo’s test scores from the six tests which were delivered (see document “PSY3PAS Assessment 3 Summary of Test Results LeonardoCosta”). You must use these previous sections of the report as the basis for the sections that you will complete. The first sections of the report that we have provided you, and the sections which you will complete, must read as one cohesive report. We have provided you with a template of the report for you to complete (“PSY3PAS Assessment 3 Template”).


You should write your sections (Test Results, Summary, Opinion, and Recommendations) using the template and submit only these sections via Turnitin. Put another way, do not submit the sections of the report we have already written for you.


You will need to cite and reference evidence from the literature for this report. All references must be genuine and appropriately cited using APA 7th edition.


For this assessment, you will pretend that you were Leonardo’s clinician.




In this written assessment, you are required to complete the following sections of a Psychological Assessment Report for our client, Leonardo Costa:


1) Test Results


The Test Results section provides an integrated and detailed interpretation of the


client’s test scores (provided in document “PSY3PAS Assessment 3 Summary of Test


Results LeonardoCosta”), with specific reference to scores which tell us something


important about the client (e.g., idiographic: discrepancy between two sub-test scores;


Word count: 1500 words (excluding words already provided in document “PSY3PAS Assessment 3 Leonardo’s report – beginning sections”)Words over the word count will not be marked
Deadline: Thursday 16th May 2024 11:59pm
Submission: Via LMS submission link for Assessment 3
Weight: 40%
Feedback: Written feedback provided via LMS




and nomothetic: discrepancy between their score, and a typical score for peers of a similar age).


We recommend reporting the results of tests in these sections (note: each section


aligns with a different referral question):


Cognitive Abilities and Achievement – integrating results from the WAIS-IV, WIATII, and ASRS.


Motivated Learning Strategies and Vocational Preferences – integrating results


from the MSLQ and the WAPS-II.


Emotional Functioning – including results from the DASS-21.


You need to report and demonstrate understanding and interpretation of test scores


which may include Scaled Scores/Index scores/Percentiles/Confidence Intervals.


You need to report and demonstrate understanding of significant/relevant score


discrepancies in relation to both normative and idiographic comparisons.


2) Summary


Includes a brief summary of the client, referral questions, relevant background, and the


client’s approach to the assessment.


Test results should be summarised, with an emphasis on the client’s strengths and


weaknesses (not just a ‘cut and paste’ short version of the test results section).


All results should be summarised, however there should be an emphasis on the most


important findings.


3) Opinion


Opinion integrates information from the background history, referral question, and


test results.


Provide an answer to the specific referral questions as well as the concerns raised by


the client.


Include discussion of the variables that may have contributed to the findings.


May also include any additional information that is required, such as whether follow up


assessment is warranted.


4) Recommendations


Provide a breadth of recommendations that accurately address all referral questions.


Be sure to link recommendations to the referral questions.


Try to make recommendations concrete, specific, and tailored wherever possible.


Include recommendations for all parties involved (e.g., client, referrer).


The following guidelines contain important information about the language, style, and structure of the written Psychological Assessment Report. Be sure to read these guidelines, the documents about the report on LMS under the “Assessments” tab, and the marking rubric very carefully before you begin writing your report.




Reports should be no more than 1500 words. The word count does not include the title page, the major sub-headings, the rest of the report you have already been provided with or the references in the reference section. Put another way, your word count only includes the “Test Results”, “Summary”, “Opinion” and “Recommendations” sections of the report




that you will write. You should note that markers will stop marking at 1500 words, so if you go over the word count, the remaining words will not be marked.




Writing assessment reports is an important part of the professional role for psychologists and workers in other human service sectors. You should therefore aim to adopt a professional style of writing in which short words with precise meanings are used throughout. Clear and basic language should be employed with no examples of jargon or culturally insensitive language. Aim for a persuasive and active style of expression at an appropriate reading level for the intended audience. There should be no problems with sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Short sentences will increase the ease of reading index, but a variety of sentence lengths should be used to maintain the readers’ interest.




The content, style, and format for this assignment probably varies from what you have submitted in previous subjects. You will receive help in the PSY3PAS tutorials about how to write this report. Each section of the report will be discussed in the tutorials leading up to the submission date so being actively involved in the writing your report from the start of the semester will allow you to gain the maximum advantage from these tutorial activities.




Although you have been provided with some of the sections already, your report should form a cohesive document which is a persuasive response to Leonardo’s problems. All sections should be integrated and relate to each other. Use the template provided and comply with APA guidelines with respect to the use of 12-point Times-Roman font, double spacing, margins etc. However, do not include an abstract in your report.


Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence


Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools cannot be used in this assessment task. You must not use generative AI to generate any materials or content in relation to the assessment task.




Textbooks: Groth-Marnat & Wright (2016) – Chapter 15 & Schneider et al. (2018) –


Chapter 9


Test results (Leonardo’s test scores) “PSY3PAS Assessment 3 Summary of Test Results




The starting document for the report which includes all the earlier sections written for


you which you will need to refer to in the last sections that you will write “PSY3PAS


Assessment 3 Leonardo’s report – beginning sections”


Template of the report sections to be completed “PSY3PAS Assessment 3 Template”


Marking rubric called “PSY3PAS Assessment 3 Marking Rubric”






Assessment 3 Template Rubric Assessment 3 Leonardo_’s report – beginning sections Assessment 3 Guidelines – UPDATED WAPS_Scoring_Leonardos Responses Manual for the MSLQ