Technical Writer

Instructions – Technical Writer

You only need to write the following sections (no need to write the other sections):-

  • Methods (500 words)
  • Results/Findings (1500 words)
  • Discussion (1200 words)
  • Hence a total of 3200 words

Files for you to Refer to :

  1. PHAR402H Research Report marking rubric.pdf
  2. PHAR402H Assignment 3 Research Report UNE myLearn.png
  3. Sample paper – Int J of Nursing Practice – 2024 – Wang – The decision‐making process of palliative care among male caregivers of.pdf
  4. All of the data is crucial, and you need to use the data (the 11 MS Word files found in the dropbox folder titled “Data – interviews”. I have included a picture of the data files below so that you know which ones am I referring to.

Purpose of Each Document

  • PHAR402H Research Report marking rubric.pdf: Provides the marking criteria for the research report.
  • PHAR402H Assignment 3 Research Report UNE myLearn.png: Provides the assignment instructions and guidelines for the research report.
  • Sample paper – Int J of Nursing Practice – 2024 – Wang – The decision‐making process of palliative care among male caregivers of.pdf: Example format and style that the report should follow.

Dropbox Sub-Folders (the dropbox link sent to you, will contain these as well):

  • “Data – Interviews”: Contains 11 MS Word files with interviews used as data.
  • “Relevant references”: Contains articles provided by the client’s supervisor that can be used for references.

Sections to Complete (You only need to complete the following sections. For what needs to be done in each of these sections, please refer to the instructions in the file titled “PHAR402H Assignment 3 Research Report UNE myLearn.png” and the marking rubrics. The info below is just some additional information that could be included in the sections as well.) :

  • Methods (700 words): In addition to the instructions in the file titled “PHAR402H Assignment 3 Research Report UNE myLearn.png” and the marking rubrics, the client mentioned that the following are to be included as well. Describe how the interviews were provided by the supervisor, and outline the process of qualitative data analysis using grounded theory, including axial coding and selective coding.
  • Results/Findings (1500 words): In addition to the instructions in the file titled “PHAR402H Assignment 3 Research Report UNE myLearn.png” and the marking rubrics, the client mentioned that the following are to be included as well. Analyze the provided interviews to identify recurring themes and concepts. Summarize the linked ideas as results, using the bolded quotes from the interviews as data.
  • Discussion (1200 words): In addition to the instructions in the file titled “PHAR402H Assignment 3 Research Report UNE myLearn.png” and the marking rubrics, the client mentioned that the following are to be included as well. Interpret and impart meaning to your findings. Discuss whether the results support the hypothesis, demonstrate critical thinking, and provide an alternative explanation if needed. Suggest ideas for future research.

Word count for you: 3200 words


All of the files mentioned above can be found at the following link:-


Instructions – Technical Writer – Healthcare Research – Research Report on Palliative Care – 25_(1) (1)