5OS02 Assessment – Associate Diploma in People Management

5OS02 Assessment – Associate Diploma in People Management [January 2022-2024] Page 1 of 10





Unit Title Advances in Digital Learning and Development
Unit Code 5OS02
Level 5
Credit value 6
Assessment method Written report; PPT slides & Online presentation
Period January 2022 – January 2024
Learning outcomes: 1. Understand technological development in learning anddevelopment.2. Be able to create engaging digital learning content to meetspecific purposes3. Be able to apply a range of online facilitation functions andtechniques to deliver an effective live online learning activity.
Assessment Criteria Assessment briefThe global Covid-19 pandemic has ushered in a new age of online learning. Review your organizational training programs and prepare a report.
1.1 a. Evaluate the types of E- Learning and development programsarranged or funded by your organization for employees in the past 12 months. Include examples on how digital technologies are used currently to support content delivery and collaboration within your workforce. What opportunities does this hold for you?b. Discuss how perceptions of digital learning and online deliveryhave shifted within the organization during recent times. Include adescription on various technologies applied for organizationaltraining processes over the past few years.c. Review the roles of LMS and LXP systems, virtual and augmentedreality, and artificial intelligence in learning trends within today’sindustry.


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1.2 d. Evaluate the drivers and barriers to digital learning within yourorganization. As a learner how difficult was it for you to adapt toneeds of technology-based learning? Discuss how you and otheremployees coped with the challenges of requiring improved ITskills, self-motivation and organizing your time for work-learningbalance.e. Discuss the ethical training issues relating to employees, such ascyber-loafing and usage of devices (BYOD, CYOD and COPE).f. Describe few organizational strategies and policies that cansupport in minimizing common L&D issues.g. Analyze the security issues relating to technology-based training.Discuss the counter measures that can be taken by theorganization. Provide examples of such issues that may havehappened in your own organization.h. Assume that the below scenario happened within yourorganization:A training program was designed over the past few months for some important delegates/ clients. During the introductory sessions, it has become apparent that the delegates in your learner group have very different levels of prior knowledge than was expected. Your program was prepared on the assumption that all learners only had some basic knowledge regarding the topic. However, this was proved false as some of the participants seemed to be experts in the area with a high level of knowledge and experience, while others were completely new to the subject.Consider the following questions:i. What, if anything, could you have done to avoid the abovesituation?ii. Now that you have identified the level of knowledge of thelearners, how would you manage the situation?
2.1 a. Evaluate the range of asynchronous and synchronous tools that may be used separately or “blended” together to create relevant online learning content. Include examples of digital content applications such as videos, animations, PC and mobile apps relevant to your own organization.b. Review online articles to discuss the applications of new-age augmented reality and virtual reality simulations for learning and development programs.


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2.2 c. Reflect on the learning needs (you could pick something genericsuch as ‘customer care’) within your organization:i. List the key learning needs that are identified. What knowledge, skills and behavior are required to achieve these?ii. What learning activities could be used to increase the capability of staff to improve in the selected area?iii. What would the learning material focus on?iv. Evaluate how the digital content can be better designed to support learner engagement and achieve its goals.d. For the learning material prepared above, what methods wouldyou apply to measure the impact on the intended learners? Howwould you ensure that the stated learning objectives are met? Ifnot, what corrective actions should be undertaken?e. Bahrain being a multi-cultured society, requires learning anddevelopment programs that caters to the needs of differentcultural, religious, and racial groups.Discuss your views on cultural biases impacting the design and delivery of learning content in organizations. Have you come across any such cases within an organization you are familiar with? of them? Suggest strategies for avoiding such biases.
2.3 f. Assume that the senior manager has requested you to developand deliver an effective learning content presentation to achievethe identified learning needs in task 2.2 (c).In this regard you are required to prepare an engaging Powerpoint presentation. Include pictures, videos to make the presentation effective. Also include learner activities and surveys to gauge and support learning.g. Discuss the scope and benefits of the following in e-learning:i. presentationii. podcastiii. video and animationiv. AI (artificial intelligence)
3.1 a. Compare and contrast the benefits and weaknesses of different online learning activities that are commonly used for live presentations in virtual classrooms.


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b. Discuss the ways in which you can keep your learners engaged and collect learner feedback during webinars sessions.c. Give reasons why features such as chat box and polling in online classrooms should be a regular part of your eLearning experience.
3.2 d. Have a meeting with the trainer of an organization you arefamiliar with, who has experience facilitating both online learningand face-to-face learning activities. Discuss the following:i. Which form of training do they prefer? Why?ii. How does the nearness to learners in face-to-face training compare in relation to their online presence, with regards to the trainer’s ability to gauge learner understanding and responses?iii. How are activities, presentation material and feedbackdifferent in both forms of learning, in terms of their effectiveness?e. As a learner, which form of learning program would you prefer toparticipate in – Online or face-to-face? Justify your selection.3.3
f. With reference to your roles as facilitator for the online trainingprogram in task 2.3(f), evaluate the key skills you would need forconducting an effective learning session.g. Reflecting on your own skills, which of the above identified skillsdo you need to improve? As part of your development plan,prepare a schedule to develop those skills.3.4
h. Demonstrate your skills as facilitator by conducting an onlinelearning activity, with reference to the training presentationprepared for task 2.3(g).You are expected to conduct the online training program for an audience that includes your CIPD course trainer and other learners of your choosing. The CIPD trainer will evaluate your session and provide you observation feedback on the effectiveness of the learning activity. He/she would be reviewing the following:Welcoming learners and ensuring their comfort levelEffective use of your video, visuals, voice, pace, and tone tocreate learner interestImproving and monitoring participation level of learnersthrough various online activitiesFacilitating breakout rooms, chat box features etc.Effective closing of session


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Evidence required from trainee:A written formal report of up to approximately 3300 words.Power-point slides as supporting evidence for task 2.3(g)Demonstration of online facilitation for a selected learning program for task 3.4(i)Preferred Font: Arial 12, black, double spacing.Trainee should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the wayorganizations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts,articles and other publications and by using examples relating to both local andinternational organizations for illustration.All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly, and a bibliography providedwhere appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).


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Guidance for Assessors


This guidance is for assessors only and should not be handed out to candidates.Students should provide written answers to each of the tasks of approximately 3300 words in total (divided appropriately across the tasks). Students should also submit a PowerPoint slide and conduct a training event.Students should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organizations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organizational examples for illustration.All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly, and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).
1.1 a. The trainee should evaluate the e-learning programs arranged by their organization such as digital–webinars, virtual classes. This may include elearning or online courses such as massive open online courses (MOOCs), forum for employees to share their ideas as digital content. It can also be inhouse, curated or learner-generated blended learning (face-to-face with other delivery method), digital – augmented or virtual reality programs.The learner will also discuss which digital technologies in their organization are currently being used to support content delivery and collaboration within their workforce which can include: webinars/virtual classrooms, learning management system, social learning, online education program, digital tools to support coaching and mentoring, open education resources, bitesize film/video, digital tools to support learning within the workflow, job aids (infographics, checklists), podcasts/vlogs learning platforms. Mobile-apps, learner-generated content, learning embedded in systems animation, Curation through supporting technologies, online games, virtual reality, and augmented reality. The trainee will describe the opportunities offered by own organization, ex. greater autonomy and control over decisions, knowledge-sharing practices, responsibility, and authority to problem-solve, as well as opportunities for selfdirected learning.b. The trainee should discuss the significant changes taken place during the transition of digital learning in areas such as staff shift in mindset, increased openness, technology infrastructure, company policies and procedure and explain how organisation and L&D practitioners can operate and shift towards more blended approach to learning and utilizing digital learning to drive inclusion. They should reflect on how digital learning technology is transformed from past, present, and future to provide examples on the area of training and type of technology (ex. discussion forums, webinars, MOOCs, free open resources, social media etc.)c. The trainee should review the roles of LMS. Ex. hosting, distributing, and recording learning in an organization; roles of LXP ex. creating and sharing custom playlists of blogs, videos, webinars, articles and other learning content, creating collaborative workspaces, social learning; virtual and augmented reality for ex training, work meetings or to provide better customer service,


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human-machine interfaces, improved communications, safety training, virtual travel.
1.2 d. The trainee should evaluate the drivers and barriers to digital learning within their organization such as technological change and advances (which may include improved access to high-speed broadband and increased familiarity with technology) learner expectations (for example flexibility of study – with digital provision being a key way for learners to balance their study with work and personal commitments, increased competition for learners, incentivizing more tailored provision for learners by providers) and barriers such as technological-barriers, instructional-barriers, learner-barriers.The trainee should discuss the challenges they faced as learners to adapt to the needs of technology-based learning such as adaptability struggle, technical issues, time management, self-motivation, organization of work processes & time management, gadget shortage, connectivity, data privacy, isolation, lack of interaction and challenges addressed. Ex. making learning part of the culture, making mandatory training more interesting.e. The trainee should discuss the ethical issues relating to employees using technology such as non-work-related usage of technology. Ex. cyber loafing, ethical misuses involved with bring your own device (BYOD), choose your own device (CYOD) corporate owned personally enabled (COPE) etc.f. The trainee should discuss the various ways in which organizations can minimize common e-L&D issues addressed through strategies and policies, risk assessments, minimizing risk, wider development opportunities, knowledge sharing, launching communication campaigns, personal attention, forums, and social media.g. The trainee should analyze the different ways in which security issues can hamper technology-based training such as potable storage misuse, software attacks, web attacks, human error, acts of theft, business email misuse, media downloading etc. Counter measures will be discussed, such as security policy, physical security, screen new hires, strong authentication etc. The points will be concluded with examples of their own experience related to security issues in their organization.h. The trainee should analyze the scenario given and share their viewpoints as to how well learning can be received by the learner and make adjustments to ensure learning objectives are met. Points can include identifying needs, design or select solution, deliver /implement solution, evaluation of learning.
2.1 a. The trainee should evaluate different asynchronous and synchronous tools which may be used separately or blended, such as learning videos, slideshows, screencasts, podcast, infographics, animations, app-based content games, scenarios, curated content etc.b. The trainee should review scholarly online articles related to augmented reality and virtual reality and discuss the key differences between them and the impact it has on L&D such as ease of visualizing, information retention, lack of language barrier, safety, training cost, overcoming cognitive barrier etc.


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2.2 c. The trainee should discuss the learning need assessment process for customer care such as organizational goal and context, participant profile and existing knowledge/skill, skill gap, follow up and support. He/she will discuss the learning activities which could increase the capability of the staff such as making digital content engaging, human-centered design, factors which make content likely to achieve objectives; learning material focused on cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of learning.Trainee would also evaluate the different methods for leveraging technology to boost employee engagement such as encourage collaborative working, gamification, allow personal tools at work, peer-to-peer (P2P) recognition, and mobile learning.d. The trainee should discuss different ways in which they can measure the impact on intended learners. For ex. Kirkpatrick model (reaction, learning behavior, result), tools such as questionnaire, survey, checklist etc. and ways in which they can ensure that the learning objectives are met. For ex. livestreaming, assessments, getting feedback, collaboration.e. The trainee should discuss the different ways in which cultural bias can impact the design and delivery of learning such as language barrier, cultural norms, visual cues, technology bias, time-zone bias, gender-bias, and assessment bias. They should suggest strategies for avoiding cultural bias such as inclusion of diversity in the language, stereotypes, gender sensitivity, rethink discussion forums, form new associations, and train course authors and instructors.
2.3 f. The trainee should refer to task 2.2 (c) and prepare an engaging presentation which should include learning need assessment processes for customer care, features of different learning activities and making recommendations to meet learning needs. They can include pictures and videos in their presentation.g. The trainee should discuss the scope and benefits of presentations, podcast, videos and animation, artificial intelligence and tips on how these can be improved to keep the learners focused.
3.1 a. The trainee should compare and contrast the benefits and weaknesses of tools used for live presentations in virtual classroom such as chat, polls, whiteboards, break-out rooms, use of media, document resource sharing.b. The trainee should discuss ways to keep learners engaged and collect learner feedback during webinars sessions such as having a compelling webinar topic, engaging videos, conducting polls and surveys in real-time, giveaway, Q&A sessions, learner feedback through hand signs and emojis.


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c. The trainee should give reasons as to why they think chat box and polling in online classroom should be a regular part of their learning experience for ex. feedback to gauge students, identifying learning issues, disrupts the monotony of a lesson, stimulate discussion via open-ended inquiries, retain information, one to one conversation, instant feedback, learner engagement.
3.2 d. The trainee is supposed to have a meeting with the trainer of any organization and discuss about their experience with online learning and face to face learning activities to:i) give their viewpoint on both learning methods and understand their preference and reasons for their choice, cover areas such as: technical differences between the two, content difference, relationships, feedback, participation, documentation, learning style, communication style, difference in activities, learner dynamics, engagement, and energy levels.ii) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of face to face and online training with regards to ability to communicate effectively and transfer knowledge.iii) differentiate between online and face to face learning in terms of class activities, presentations material and feedback such as Asynchronous Learning vs Synchronous Learning, Delivering Knowledge vs Facilitating Learning, Teacher vs Self-led Advancement, Discipline and Self-Motivation, Measuring Performance.e. The trainees should discuss the importance of both online and face to face learning and their preference on which kind of learning program they will opt if given a choice and justification for their selection.
3.3 f. The trainee should consider themselves as facilitator conducting an online learning program with reference to the task 2.3(f), (using tools such as presentation, podcast, video/animation etc.) and evaluate the key skills required for conducting an effective learning session. For example, preparation of self / learners, managing learners remotely, maintaining engagement, participation, and chat, encouraging collaborative learning, monitoring and participation, running polls, facilitating breakout-rooms, managing and being prepared for technological issues.g. The trainee should reflect on their own skills with the skills identified in the previous question (key skills required for conducting an effective learning session) and list the areas where they can improve and prepare a schedule to develop those skills. The schedule should have sections such as reskilling and upskilling and the trainee to self-evaluate themselves to understand which skills needs to be improved and how the trainee makes a development plan for the same.


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3.4 h. The trainee should conduct an online training program with reference to the power point presentation prepared for task 2.3(f)Requirements: The CIPD course trainer should evaluate the session. The evaluator shall assess the trainee’s presentation using an observation sheet that focuses on criteria including how the trainee welcomes the participants, ensuring their comfort level, they can be evaluated on effective use of video, visuals, voice, pace, and tone to create learner interest, activities to keep the learners engaged and an effective closing session. They should also make use of breakout rooms and chat box in their session.


Learning needs Security Policy E learning