Assessment Information and Brief

Salford Business School – 2023_24


Module title

Advanced Project and Logistics Management

CRN 52918 / 52920
Level 7
Assessment title Group report

Title: A Chain Reaction

Weighting within module This assessment is worth 100%


Submission deadline date and time See OnlineCampus
Module Leader

Dr Stelios Sapountzis

Assessment set by:

Dr Stelios Sapountzis and Dr Peter Dickinson

Assessment task details and instructions

This is a group assessment, and you are expected to work as a team.

You and your team are responsible for preparing a report on the interactions between Projects and Logistics addressing issues captured in the video.


Team Formation

  • For this report, you will be allocated to teams of up to 6 students. Please note that the allocation is final, and it won’t be possible to transfer between teams. Details of your team membership will be on OnlineCampus. You are strongly advised to contact your team members and initiate the assessment collaboration as soon as possible.
  • All team members will receive the grade awarded to the team unless one or more members haven’t contributed. If that is the case, please inform the module tutor assigned to your class.



How to submit:


You and your team are responsible for developing and submitting the report by the deadline published in OnlineCampus. Only one file is to be submitted.


Only one submission is required per group.


You can check the similarity report of your DRAFT submission by uploading your work to the test submission page on OnlineCampus.


Assessment brief


Every day, millions of sailors, truck drivers, longshoremen, warehouse workers and delivery drivers keep mountains of goods moving into stores and homes to meet consumers’ increasing expectations of convenience and delivering projects. This complex movement of goods underpinning the global economy is far more vulnerable than many imagined. (From the WSJ video below).


Why Global Supply Chains May Never Be the Same | A WSJ Documentary – YouTube


Supply Chains of the future need to be different, to be more resilient and address vulnerabilities. The video introduces specific examples where vulnerabilities have impacted supply chains: cycles, kettlebells, shoes, PlayStation; there are others, toilet rolls, semi-conductors, and the recent incident in Baltimore, for instance.

As a Logistics and Project Management expert in your chosen industry sector, you have been asked to investigate these vulnerabilities, identify risks, and make recommendations based on your research.


Your task:

Watch the video, and research other sources, to understand how different vulnerabilities manifest themselves in global supply chains.


Based on your research you will need to compose a report that will include the following:


1)     Executive summary of your investigation, recommendations, and associated risks.

2)     A problem statement that you have identified from the WSJ video and other sources.

3)     A literature review considering the topics identified in the investigation phase including the relevant APLM module teaching and learning material. All sources need to be fully referenced, along with critical reasoning for their inclusion.

4)     Recommendations on how problems identified can be managed and resolved underpinned by the literature review.

5)     A set of risks related to your recommendations.

6)     A project plan outlining the steps you would take to implement your recommendations; this should include aspects of change management and a project schedule.

7)     A PowerPoint set of slides identifying the key points of your report (max 7 slides).

Your report should be no more than 5000 words and use diagrams/illustrations/tables/graphs etc., to demonstrate the application of your project and logistics management skillsets.

The PowerPoint slides are not part of the 5,000-word count.


You will need to take the following into account when completing your report:


·       Quality of a relevant literature review that helps inform your discussion.

·       Clarity of argument and integration of different components in relevance to Projects and Logistics context.

·       Allocation of credit and sources used; (have you included references and citations to the material you have used?).

·       Use of examples, figures, tables, illustrations, and statistics that indicate wider/independent reading.

·       Quality of executive summary (does it give a brief complete summary of your report for an executive to read?).

·       Overall report presentation and structure including spelling and grammar.

·       Adherence to nominated word limit.

·       Word processed (letter size 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 space)


The report should include:

·       Cover page that details:

o   Project title.

o   Group number.

o   Member Names and Student IDs

·       Executive Summary; (not part of the word count)

·       Contents page.

·       Introduction.

·       Main body based on the thematic areas 2 – 6 above.

·       Discussion and Conclusion.

·       References.

·       Appendix – PowerPoint slides

The report should be page numbered. Please note if you are uncertain on how to present and structure a report then visit the university library and ask for assistance. You are advised to use diagrams, illustrations, tables, graphics etc. wherever these are helpful, and remember that these do not count towards your word limit. If you do use these, please do not put them in the appendices if they are part of your discussion.

You must cite all sources on which you have relied; for example, textbooks, journal articles, web pages etc. using the APA 7th (Harvard) Style. If you do not cite all sources, then you may be accused of plagiarism, and that may endanger your success in passing the module. If you are in any doubt about how to reference your work, please obtain guidance.


Key timeline

You will need to submit your team report by the published deadline in OnlineCampus

(only one team member will need to submit the report on behalf of the group).

Assessed intended learning outcomes.

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

1. Evaluate, critique, and discuss the importance of innovation in Logistics and Project Management.

2. Apply theoretical ideas to practice via real scenario and live case studies.

3. Implement and critically evaluate advancements in Project Management and Logistics.

4. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the importance of Logistics and Projects Integration in the development and maintenance of sustainable and global organisations operating in complex market environments.


Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes

On completion you will have had the opportunity to:

1. Work independently and with others in analysing and presenting solutions to real life problems.

2. Communicate effectively through a variety of media to different audiences.

3. Make decisions in complex and unpredictable situations using tools and techniques appropriate to the module.

4. Evaluate, critique and present research findings.

Module Aims

1.     Evaluate contemporary research in Logistics and Project management considering the interdisciplinary nature of the subjects.

2.     Analyse critically advances in Project and Programme management focusing on value generation including Agile, Lean and Benefits Management.

3.     Critically review world-class innovations and emerging technologies in Logistics (i.e. Additive Manufacturing, Big data analytics, drones etc)

4.     Critically review world-class innovations and emerging technologies in Project, Portfolio and Programme (3P) i.e., Virtual technologies and augmented reality environments, Output driven Project management (Benefits Realisation, Target Value)

5.     To prepare students for further research and application of Logistics and Project management in their Business


On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

·       Recognize the role and significance of coherent problem statements and project plans and definitions ahead of project delivery.

·       Critically analyse and demonstrate reasoning for the selection and application of supply chain design and analysis techniques in specific circumstances.


Word count and Time

The final report for this assessment should be up to 5,000 words.

Your word count is from the introduction to conclusion sections.  Therefore, it does not include title page, contents page, reference section, appendices etc. If the assignment exceeds these limits; the work more than 5,000 words is not marked.


Feedback arrangements

Summative feedback on your final report will be provided within 3 weeks of your submission.

Subsequently if further clarification is needed you could make an individual appointment with a member of the teaching team.


Plagiarism and Late submissions

You are required to follow the University’s regulations regarding plagiarism and citing sources and references used.


Late submission will be accepted up to 7 days after the submission deadline.


All work submitted late will be capped at the pass mark of 50%, there is no sliding scale.


Lecturers are not able to give extensions.


Student Facing Policies and Procedures

Support arrangements

You can obtain further support for this assessment by participating in the live session or by emailing a member of the teaching team and seek to arrange appointments as a group. We aim to reply to emails within 48 hours.


The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS.

Good Academic Conduct and Academic Misconduct


Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students require


Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously.  You can find out how to avoid academic misconduct here

Assessment Information

If you have any questions about assessment rules, you can find out more here.

Personal Mitigating Circumstances

If personal mitigating circumstances may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about personal mitigating circumstances procedure here.

Student Progression Administrator

If you have any concerns about your studies, contact StudentCare.

In Year Retrieval Scheme

Your assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval.



If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will need to resubmit. Details and guidance for resubmissions will be issued to you by our Admin team following the completion of your four modules of your programme.

For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances, this will be your replacement assessment attempt.  Students should be aware that there is no late submission period at reassessment (this includes those students who have an accepted PMC request from a previous attempt).


















Assessment Criteria and Marking Scheme for final report (100% of total grade) 


 Criteria Marks
Executive, Contents, and Introduction

Executive summary of your investigation, recommendations, and associated risks.


A problem statement that you have identified from the WSJ video and other sources.


Main Body, Use of theory (examples and sources)

A literature review considering the topics identified in the investigation phase including the relevant APLM module teaching and learning material.

All sources need to be fully referenced, along with critical reasoning for their inclusion

Recommendation and Risks

Recommendations on how problems identified can be managed and resolved underpinned by the literature review.

A set of risks related to your recommendations

Project Plan

A project plan outlining the steps you have taken in investigating the relevant sources, planning, and composing your report.


Quality of argument/ discussion/conclusion

Report Integration, coherence & referencing

Are the different components of the report well integrated, with good application of technique/theory?

Is the bibliography / referencing in the right format, relevant and current?

PowerPoint Presentation Slides 10








Grade bands for Level 7

Criterion / Mark range


90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 0-39
Overall level

(indicative – not for grading)

Standard comparable to journal publication Standard comparable to conference paper publication Distinctive work for Masters level Merit  work for Masters level Acceptable for Masters Below Masters pass standard Significantly below Masters pass standard
Scope Outstanding clarity of focus, includes what is important, and excludes irrelevant issues. Excellent clarity of focus, boundaries set with no significant omissions or unnecessary issues. Clear focus.  Very good setting of boundaries includes most of what is relevant. Clear scope and focus, with some omissions or unnecessary issues. Scope evident and satisfactory but with some omissions and unnecessary issues. Poorly scoped, with significant omissions and unnecessary issues. Little or no scope or focus evident.
Understanding of subject matter


Outstanding with critical awareness of relevance of issues. Outstanding expression of ideas. Excellent with critical awareness of relevance of issues. Excellent expression of ideas. Very good with critical awareness of relevance of issues. Outstanding expression of ideas. Good with some awareness of relevance of issues. Ideas are expressed, with some limitation. Basic with limited awareness of relevance of issues.  Limited expression of ideas. Poor with little awareness of relevance of issues Little or no understanding of subject matter is demonstrated.


Comprehensive literature review. Evaluation and synthesis of source material to produce an outstanding contribution. Excellent independent secondary research. Sources are evaluated and synthesized to produce an excellent contribution. Very good independent secondary research. Sources are evaluated and synthesized to produce a very good contribution. Good secondary research to extend taught materials. Evidence of evaluation of sources, with some deficiencies in choice and synthesis. Limited secondary research to extend taught materials. Limited evaluation of sources, deficiencies in choice and synthesis. Little or no extension of taught materials.  Poor choice and synthesis of materials. Poor use of taught materials.  No synthesis.
Critical analysis based on evidence Standard of critical analysis – showing questioning of sources, understanding of bias, independence of thought Excellent standard of critical analysis – excellence in questioning of sources, understanding of bias, independence of thought A very good standard of critical analysis.  Sources are questioned appropriately, and a very good understanding of bias, showing independence of thought Critical analysis with some questioning of sources, understanding of bias, independence of thought. Analysis evident but uncritical. Sources are not always questioned, with limited independence of thought. Little or no analysis. No valid analysis.
Structure of argument, leading to conclusion Well structured, compelling and persuasive argument that leads to a valuable contribution to the field of study, paving the way for future work. Argument has excellent structure and persuasiveness, leading to very significant insights and relevant future work. Well-structured and persuasive argument Insightful conclusion draws together key issues and possible future work. Structured and fairly convincing argument leads to conclusion that summarises key issues. Argument has some structure and development towards conclusion with limitations in summary of issues. Argument is unstructured, no recognizable conclusion. No evidence of argument or conclusion.


Task – Not grade it