Category Essay questions


This week, we plunge forward with writing our Research Essay, in which we share all the information we gathered from reading our quality sources. Objective Tone and Use of Outside Sources Remember to stay neutral and objective, and just present…

Research-Based (Or Evidence-Based) Practice

  5 DQ 2 I believe that most healthcare institutions, not just mine, take evidence-based practice extremely seriously. It has been clearly shown that implementing evidence-based practice generally leads to an improvement in patientcare outcomes across the board in more instances…

Research Of Aging

You will perform a research and appraisal of existing evidence related to challenges to the safe and effective care of the aging population in the context of global health.  Select an aging population from another country, provide life expectancy, new…

Choose a poor (underdeveloped) country

Choose a poor (underdeveloped) country. Assume you are advising the government of that country on economic development and enhancing their business environment. First, you need to provide the background of their economy. Using various tools that you learned, analyze the strengths…

Research Paper

Report should include: 1.Title 2.Abstract 3.Introduction 4.Previous Work 5.Your Work 6.Conclusion 7.Bibliography. Expected 10 page report not including the tilte page or bibliography. (double spaced,12 pt font)

Role Of The Professional Nurse In Health Policy

Write a paper on the role of the professional nurse in health policy. Discuss the professional nurses role in health policy. Identify an action plan for nurses to increase involvement. Submission Instructions: The paper is to be clear and concise…


In scientific research, sampling is defined as the thorough and systematic selection of study subjects, which must be carried out in a way that is verifiable to outside observers and as free as possible from error or bias. For this…

School Inquiry

In Educational leadership: A bridge to improved practice, Cordeiro & Cunningham (2012) presents the case of Seaview School District and Silvermine Middle School.  In your review of this case, in your professional opinion, what specific state and federal laws could…