Category Essay questions

Tax Return Assignment

This assignment requires you to complete four tax forms (Form 1040, Schedule 1, Schedule B, and Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, using the provided taxpayer information.  The forms provided are for tax year 2020 – (for the W-2,…

Term Paper Revision

Table of contents You have not included a table of contents Literature review You did not include any literature review Content You have not covered all the issues you were supposed to discuss in this paper. The paper is not…

The New Normal

  ARTICLE: David Gutirrez, The New Normal? Reflecting on the Shifting Politics of the Immigration Debate, International Labor and Working-Class History, Fall 2010 In this article Gutirrez writes about what policy makers in Washington fail to see (most likely because…

The Visual Arts

Option A: Visual Arts Summary Research one painting, sculpture, or work of architecture. You may choose to perform your research in the University Library or an online, academic resource. Write a 525- to 700-word summary describing your selected work of art or…

Do a concept analysis on one of the following topics

Do a concept analysis on one of the following topics. Utilize the Overcoming concept analysis as an example. The analysis should have the following parts: Introduction, Definition and Uses of the Concept, Defining Attributes, Antecedents, Consequences, Model Case, Borderline Case,…

Topic 7 DQ 2

 Many people have either engaged in an argument that seemed unresolvable or witnessed such an argument between friends and family members. Consider one of these arguments you have either experienced or witnessed, and then identify the fallacies that were expressed…