Category Essay questions

Dissertation in computer science guide

Assignment Brief   For more information on the details of this module, please see the teaching materials, module forum and other files and information posted on the CO7100 Moodle space. These will include (among many other useful things) details which…


1 Introduction   1.01 Summary Background of Case   I have been instructed to give my expert opinion on, possible breach of network of University of Grand Fenwick’s computer science department. During pandemic, the IT manager found a USB plugged…

ICT284 Systems Analysis and Design

  Q Task Possible marks 1a Stakeholders and Requirements: Stakeholders 5/10 1b Stakeholders and Requirements: Functional requirements 7/10 1c Stakeholders and Requirements: FURPS+ Non-functional requirements 7/10 2a Use case modelling: user goal technique – brief descriptions 3/10 2b Use case…

ROBCOR is an aircraft charter company

Assignment 1   Use the database shown in the Figures above to answer the following Problems.   ROBCOR is an aircraft charter company that supplies on-demand charter flight services using a fleet of four aircraft. Aircrafts are identified by a…

Scenario: Mars Airline

New Text Document – Copy Mars Airline is an international airline company who is looking to develop an effective RDBMS to cater for their growing business needs. Develop a database for Mars Airline which will satisfy all their requirements. The…

Database task

INTRODUCTION The hierarchical data model is the most traditional type of data model. It uses a tree-like structure to arrange data. Nodes in a hierarchical model are linked by branches. The topmost node is referred to as the root node.…

Theory Human-Computer Interaction (2020/21)

  Theory Human-Computer Interaction (2020/21)   Date Set. February 2021 Submission Deadline. Wednesday 14 April 2021, 8pm Submission Location. Upload pdf to Moodle Estimated effort. 24 hours per individual. Learning Objective(s) assessed: 1. To obtain an in-depth understanding of Human-ComputerInteraction…