Essay writing

Your essay must include the following:

Length: 750-1000 words.

Structure: Your essay must follow a three-part structure which includes a thesis paragraph, linked body paragraphs, and a conclusion:

  • A thesis paragraph that clarifies your thesis and indicate how you will develop your essay;
  • Structured body paragraphs (3-4 paragraphs) that present concrete evidence that support your thesis;
  • A conclusion that summarizes your argument, how you proved it, and points to the wider implications of your findings (the “super so-what” factor).

Format and layout: Use MLA style formatting—typewritten using a 12-point Times New Roman font and 1” margins throughout. All pages should be double-spaced (including the Works Cited).

Style: Writing is clear and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure.

Mechanics: Sentence structure contains no errors; punctuation, spelling, capitalization are correct; thesis paragraph, body paragraphs, conclusion, and the essay as a whole are structured correctly and employ appropriate transitions and signposting.



Body Paragraphs and Conclusion Review