Category Essay questions

UML Use Case Diagram for Specific Project

Project Title: UML Use Case Diagram for Specific Project I am in need of a freelancer who can create a UML Use Case Diagram for a specific project. Skills and Experience Required: – Proficiency in UML diagrams, specifically Use Case…

Sociological Research on Inequality

Select a social phenomenon, problem, or issue that you think warrants sociological research. Write a 200-500 words outline for paper 500 to 1000 -word paper on why the topic needs to be researched, define the problem within that topic, and…

Middle Adulthood Interview Paper

Interview someone 40-58.  Your prompts may be different if you interview someone in their 40’s as opposed to someone in their 50’s (info about children vs grandchildren, for example).   Use the questions below to spur your thought processes.  Be sure…

MBA Entrepreneurship & Tech Innovation

The project in question will revolve around the intricate role of Information Technology in shaping innovative ventures and entrepreneurial strategies. • Applicants should have deep understanding of relevant subject matter involving innovation, entrepreneurship, and Information technology. • In depth knowledge…

Research Writing

  The edits to do are reiterated here from Draft 1 comments.   This Draft 1 will be regraded in the following below.   “Abstract” — “The results revealed that recorded video podcasts are better than recorded WhatsApp voice messages…

Expertise-Needed For a Persuasive Paper

Purpose of this assignment: Rhetoric is the art of persuasion. We are always members of an audience, constantly bombarded by messages that try to persuade our actions, thoughts, and feelings. It is crucial that we become familiar with the rhetorical…