Category Essay questions

Template for the Contribution to discussion

          Semester: Spring 2023 Template for the Contribution to discussion on A topic Selection for the Research Methods     Learner’s full Name and ID       Master Program title –   Research Priority Area     Academic Advisor…

Sustainable Manufacturing

Project Briefing Semester 1 2023/24 Kuwait Instructions • Group project: 15 (Each group 5 students, so 3 groups) • Task : • Write a review paper • Template: Jurnal Kejuruteraan • Conduct a literature review on the latest research findings…

Project portfolio management

Expected number of pages: 18-22. The entire report must be a coherent whole, and the connections between individual report elements should be explained. When writing a report, it should be assumed that the readers of the project may not be…

500-word essay on “Noble Gasses

write a 500-word essay on “Noble Gasses.” Discuss the molecular structure, the origin, chemical and physical properties that determine the behavior of the gas and how does it impact the world around us. Please provide three legitimate sources, in MLA…

Dynamic Business Metrics Visualization

1. Overall marketing objectives Use a table to present information for the following sections Sales forecast year 1-5 Profit forecast years 1-5 Market penetration and coverage (geographic information). A map, figure, chart or table is good. 2. The SWOT analysis…

The Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence

I need to write a 8,000 to 9000 words is research paper on this topic: The Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing Education, Business, Industry, and Public Administration to Deliver Unprecedented Quality Services   8000 to 9000 words Research proposal…

Corporation Techs’ Current Network

SCENARIO The Corporation Techs’ current network consists of 1 web server (accessible by the public), 2 application servers, 2 database servers, 2 file and print servers, and 50 workstations. The web server runs Linux/Apache, the other servers run Microsoft Windows…