Category Essay questions


Short summary of the B.Sc. Thesis (max 5 pages):   Candidate: …..(name, surname)…   Title of the Thesis: …(title)…   Context (state-of-the-art) and objective of the Thesis …… (Figure 1) …. Figure 1: …(caption)….. …..[1]….. …..[2,3]….. Materials and methods …..…

research paper

Requirement: Strategic Research Write a 5,000-word minimum research paper. The Chicago Manual of Style or Turabian Manual Footnotes and Bibliography Minimum 25 Peer Reviewed Articles, Books Discern the military dimension of a challenge impacting national interest; assess and communicate options…

Master of Industrial Organizational Psychology

Part 1: Job Placement Findings of the Three Ratings The importance and level of activities in the generalized work ratings shed light on crucial aspects of the job. Processing information emerges as highly important, indicating the significance of information handling…

disorder covered in the DSM-5

Directions: Choose any disorder covered in the DSM-5.  The psychological, neurological, biochemical, genetic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects of the disorder with specific regard to psychopharmacological intervention. 10 pages plus a title and reference page 1. Disorder: Define and describe the clinical…

evidence-based research references

All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, 7th edition, and must be written at graduate level English. The final paper provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts covered throughout the course. Your responses…

Research Methods

          Semester: Spring 2024 Contribution to discussion on A topic Selection for the Research Methods     Activity Selecting a Research Topic   Objectives –        In this assessment, you will actively participate in an online discussion forum designed to enhance…

POLS 6250 Org Theory and Mgmt  

Case Study 1: Rescuing Search and Rescue  Assignment description The purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate their knowledge by applying course concepts to a case study of a public organization in the form of a written essay.…

Strategy and Firms & Markets

    MBA 2023-2024 Strategy and Firms & Markets Assessment Information Sheet Core Course 2 Credits   Assessment Summary   Individual Assignment   You are to prepare a report that would help a company decide whether to expand into a…

Informative Essay: Causes of Breast Cancer

I am seeking an adept writer to create a 2-3 page comprehensive and factual essay about the causes of breast cancer. The essay will be aimed at the general public, so it must be engaging while also being scientifically accurate.…

thesis template

Short summary of the B.Sc. Thesis (max 5 pages):   Candidate: …..(name, surname)…   Title of the Thesis: …(title)…   Context (state-of-the-art) and objective of the Thesis …… (Figure 1) …. Figure 1: …(caption)….. …..[1]….. …..[2,3]….. Materials and methods …..…